
What You Need to Know

  • Become familiar with your branch/region’s Function-Based Classification Structure so you appropriately classify and store Information Resources of Business Value (IRBV):
    • Function-based classification structures are based on the organization’s business functions, sub-functions, activities and content type.
    • Ask your manager or contact the National Service Desk if you are unsure of where to find your branch classification structure.
    • Use your branch classification structure within all repositories, outlook accounts and drives to consistently organize your IRBVs.
    • Manage information resources in SharePoint to ensure consistency in classification, help identify, and yield better search results.
    • Use the appropriate repositories based on your file’s security classification level.
  • E-mail best practices have been developed and should be followed, including:
    • Don’t leave e-mail messages in your inbox
      • Organize and delete your e-mail daily or weekly
      • Create sub-folders based on your needs
    • Organize and store e-mail messages by using clear and concise subject titles or an appropriate naming convention and separating e-mails of business value from transitory e-mails by creating private/personal folders.

For more information, visit the Information Management section on iService!