Virtual Tour of myEMS (PeopleSoft) for Managers


Welcome to the virtual tour of myEMS (PeopleSoft) version 9.2, designed specifically for managers.

Beginning on our login page, you will notice that we have a fresh new logo, to represent our modernized, upgraded system.

Next, we will log into myEMS (PeopleSoft) by selecting the official language of our choice, entering our username and password and by clicking the sign in button. The way that you log into the system remains the same.

Once you log in, accept the privacy statement. You are currently viewing the Employee Self-Service homepage which offers a more modern and fluid navigation.

Here you will notice that the Employee Self-Service menu has been replaced by tiles. Now, everything that an employee needs from their human resources system is found right at their fingertips, with visuals that help guide them in the right direction.  For example, let us look here at the Time tile.  I can see an airplane and a car, this makes me think of travel and, the calendar reminds me of schedules and dates. I know right away that I need to click here for anything related to absences and schedules.

To discover more about Employee Self-Service in version 9.2 of myEMS (PeopleSoft), you are encouraged to view the video designed for employees.

As managers, you have access to the Manager Self-Service page, and now it is easy to switch between the Employee view and the manager view. Simply click the Employee Self-Service arrow to open the dropdown menu and select Manager Self-Service.

Once you arrive on your Manager Self-Service homepage, you have the access you need to manage your team, including familiar accesses such as the Manager Dashboard and some new features as well.

The Approvals tile allows you to approve leave. New functionality has been added in terms of leave approval, now you can approve or deny bulk leave requests. This will be a time saver for anyone with direct reports. For example: You have large team, and you have pre-approved all of their summer vacation requests in a spreadsheet, and now they have all sent you their leave requests for approval in the system. No problem, multiple request types from different employees can all be approved at the same time, allowing for a quick and easy approval process.

By clicking on Absence Request on the left hand side of the screen, you will have the option to individually select, or you may choose to select all the pending requests at the same time by clicking select all. Once this is completed, you may continue with the approval process, which only takes moments complete.

With a click on the left hand side of the screen, we will return to the Manager's Self-Service homepage.

Next, by clicking on the My Team tile, you can find a quick summary of your team, including details such as Today's Status and a summary of leave balances. Here on the Today's Status tab you will note that Ruth Parker is listed as away on a planned absence.

You can view your team here and the teams of anyone who reports to you.

Returning to your main homepage, and clicking on the Team Time tile, you can view the other options you have concerning your employees leave and schedules, including the new functionality to cancel absences, which is accessible by clicking on the Cancel Absences tile. Everything contained within these tiles is intuitive and easy to navigate.

Now, I would like to direct your attention to the right hand side of the screen.

First, we have the Home icon, which when clicked on, will return you to the Employee Self-Service homepage. Now let's return to the Manager self-Service homepage.

Next, we have the Search icon, clicking on this icon allows you to use the search functionality.

Beside the Search icon, we have the Notifications icon; we will skip over this one, as it is currently not used.

The next icon is the Actions List icon, when you click on this icon you are presented with various options such as personalizing your homepage, and preferences as well as the sign out option. Within the actions list, you also have access to the PSGuide by clicking on the help button.

The PSGuide is a comprehensive online learning tool, designed to assist all ESDC employees when navigating or performing actions in myEMS PeopleSoft.

The final icon on the top right hand side of the screen is called the Nav Bar.

By clicking on the Nav Bar, you will have access to view the most recent places you have visited, your favourites and the Navigator, which replaces the main menu used for navigation in version 9.1.


Let us take a moment to explore the Navigator. As managers, you have access to view additional information in the system.  The navigation paths you are already familiar with remain the same and the administrative pages you are accessing, while they have a refreshed look and feel, have not changed.

We will navigate to the Add/Update Position Info search page. I tend to use this page quite frequently and I want to save time, therefore I will click on the Actions List icon and here I have the option to add this to my favourites or my homepage, or both if I prefer. I have decided to place the Add/Update Position Info search page right on my Manager Self-Service homepage, so I will click on Add to Homepage, and then select which homepage I wish to add this new tile to.

Returning to the Manager Self-Service homepage, the new tile is now there.

With version 9.2, you can even customize the layout of your tiles. For example, I use the Manager Dashboard quite frequently, so I can just click on the Manager Dashboard tile and move it over here to the left, making it the first tile on my list.

Returning to the Nav Bar, we will explore the Departmental Directory; this information is accessible here on the Nav Bar and also on your Employee Self-Service page. The Departmental Directory is a new functionality which allows employees to view their profiles and those of others, and for managers this tool also provides an image of what is currently in the system in terms of reporting, thus providing a quick look at your organization, allowing you to see what potential changes are required.

We will return now to the actions list, and sign out of PeopleSoft. Just a simple click and we are signed out.

Thank you for viewing the virtual tour of myEMS (Peoplesoft) version 9.2 for Managers.