Installation and Setup Tutorial for AppGate SDP


Hi and welcome to the video tutorial for AppGate SDP remote desktop connection for Windows. In this tutorial, I will go through the steps to download and install AppGate SDP for Windows. After that, I will also walk you through configuring AppGate SDP.

The current version we will be installing in this tutorial is AppGate SDP version 5.1. I will also be installing this on a Windows 10 operating system. If you are using Windows 7, Windows 7 will be slightly different and you may receive slightly different Windows pop-ups. When you do receive those windows, select the option that will allow you to proceed. As I walk through the steps, please feel free to pause the video as you follow through on your own PC. This will allow you to go at your own pace, and pause and play the video as you need.

You can also refer to the User Guide as I will be covering the section for Windows Client Installation which starts at page 5.

Okay, now let's get started.

The first step is to open the browser of your choice. In here, I'm using Google Chrome. Type the link Once the page loads, click on the download link right beside the AppGate SDP Client for Windows. Now this will initiate the download.

At this point, you can also pause the video and wait until the download finishes on your end. I am going to go to the next step, which is to open the file. You can either click Open or Show in folder. I will show other alternatives, which is to go to your Downloads folder and right click on File Explorer and go to Downloads. Or you can also open File Explorer and click Downloads. There are a few methods to get there.

As you can see here, this is the downloaded file here. I downloaded it twice. Click on the first one here. Double click that. At this point, the User Account Control window will pop-up. You cannot see it in this video, but you should see it on your screen. Click yes to proceed.

You can refer to this on step 4 of the Guide, which is on page 6. So the next step, when you see the AppGate SDP 5.1.0 Setup window appear, click Next. In the next window select "I accept the terms", Next, and then Install.

At this point, you may also receive a Windows Security pop-up. If you do, go ahead and click Install to proceed. You can refer to this on page 8 of the User Guide.

The setup is complete. At this point, if the setup has not been completed on your end, you can pause this video and play it after it is completed. At this point, you can see the Run AppGate SDP checkbox is ticked. You're going to keep that ticked and click Finish.

Okay, you will see the window for Privacy Notice. Click Approve. When you reach this window, I can also show you one important note about AppGate SDP. Anytime you click away from the window, it has the tendency to minimize itself and hide in the bottom task tray. I'm going to demonstrate that. So if I click away, you can see it disappears. To bring the window back, you click on the task tray. Click the arrow sign and look for the AppGate SDP icon. Click on it to open the window again.

The step we are now on is step 3 of section 2, which is on page 11. We will be referring back to the download window.

Click on the SPA Key Download. A window will pop-up. Select Open AppGate SDP and there you go. Click Submit.

Once the profile has been created, you will see this window. You will see the server srv105. Go ahead and click Connect to AppGate SDP and you should see the login screen.

And there you have it. This concludes the tutorial for AppGate SDP. It has now been downloaded, installed and configured.