Managers' Responsibilities for Language of Work in Unilingual Regions: Official Languages at ESDC

As a manager in a unilingual region at ESDC, including the Labour Program and Service Canada, you are accountable for informing all your employees of their Language-of-Work rights and responsibilities:


Ensure that all communications distributed nation-wide, including draft documents for consultation, are available simultaneously in both English and French and are of equal quality.

Work Environment

Ensure that employees in bilingual positions have all regularly and widely used work instruments such as policies, guidelines, instruction manuals and dictionaries in both official languages, and that access to all regularly and widely used software, user manuals and job-related training should be made available to these employees simultaneously in English and French.

Professional Training and Development

Make a reasonable effort for employees in bilingual positions, to receive professional training and development in the official language of their choice.


Enable employees to participate in a staffing process in the official language of their choice regardless of the language requirements of the position being staffed.


Ensure that employees can submit grievances and have them dealt with in the official language of their choice.

Meetings and Conference Calls

Encourage the use of both official languages when bringing together representatives of both linguistic communities for intra- or interdepartmental meetings or telephone conference calls.

Personal Competency

Ensure that all supervisors are accountable for their performance with regard to their official languages responsibilities.

For advice, please do not hesitate to contact your human resources advisor