Litigation Readiness at ESDC

Welcome to the Litigation Readiness page. The Litigation Readiness Team (LRT) aims to provide the Department with easily accessible information, guidance, and tools on how to prepare for litigation that may impact ESDC, and how to best manage Litigation Holds within the Department,

What is Litigation?

Litigation is a court action between two parties to settle a dispute. During a Litigation, the Department has the obligation to provide the opposing parties and the court with all relevant information in its possession. The main steps in a Litigation can be summarized as follows:

  1. Statement of Claim
  2. Litigation Hold Notice/ Preservation Notice
  3. Statement of Defence
  4. Discovery
  5. Trial
  6. Court Decision

What are my Obligations?

Information that helps employees and managers understand the Litigation Process, and their respective roles and responsibilities can be found at here.

How do I fulfill my Obligations?

The Litigation Readiness Team, in collaboration with Human Resources and Services Branch, has created the Litigation Readiness Module in PeopleSoft, which allows Branches/Regions, and their employees to keep themselves informed of Litigation Holds. Branch/Regional Managers and Executives can establish a Litigation Hold, customize or update the contents, and review responses to the Hold directly through PeopleSoft. Employees can review the details of all Litigation Holds currently in place in the Department and register as custodians of relevant information through their PeopleSoft accounts.

Where can I find more Information on Litigation Readiness?

The Litigation Readiness Team (LRT) is an administrative entity of the Legal Services Unit. We provide resources and guidance to Discovery Teams as they implement and manage Litigation Holds, and we have collaboratively developed tools and learning resources that help employees, managers, and executives of branches/regions understand their roles and responsibilities during Litigation Holds and the Discovery Management Processes.