Request Training

The Office of Values and Ethics is pleased to offer you training sessions on various values and ethics related topics both virtually (via WebEx or Videoconference) and in-person for your team, unit, or for your all-staff.

Usually, a maximum of 1-2 topics per session is presented and sessions typically require a minimum of 15 participants unless circumstances warrant. You will find a description of the training sessions offered below.

Click on the General HR Enquiry Form to submit your requests for training sessions or if you like to discuss which session type would best suit your group's needs. Upon receipt of the enquiry form, one of our Values and Ethics Advisors will contact you.

  • Values and Ethics 101

    Values and Ethics 101

    This workshop is intended to be an introduction to ESDC's organizational culture for new or returning employees. It includes elements of other presentations/workshops including Code of Conduct, Civility, and Respectful Workplace. Topics include:

    • Code of Conduct
    • Organizational Culture
    • Definition of Harassment
    • Consequences of bad behaviour

    Embedded in the presentation are case studies, scenarios and opportunities for discussion.

    1.5 hours
  • Code of Conduct

    Code of Conduct

    This workshop provides an overview of the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector:

    • Core Public Service Values: Respect for Democracy, Respect for People, Integrity, Stewardship and Excellence
    • Conflict of Interest Measures
    • Post-Employment Measures
    • Methods of Compliance
    • Avenues of Resolution
    • Civility and Healthy, Respectful Workplace

    Participants will learn why the Code is important and how they can apply it on a daily basis to all areas of work. Embedded in the presentation are case studies and opportunities for discussion. Presentations can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

    1.5 hours
  • Political Activities

    Political Activities

    This session is typically co-delivered with a representative from the Public Service Commission. It offers information on the roles and responsibilities of public servants regarding political activities. Topics covered in the presentation include:

    • What is a political activity?
    • supporting or opposing a candidate or a political party
    • What to do before you become a candidate
    • Available tools within the department and at the Public Service Commission
    • The Law and its possible consequences

    The presentation also touches on emerging issues such as: Conflict of Duties and Duty of Loyalty. In addition, the presentation will provide participants with an opportunity to analyze and discuss conflict of interest scenarios.

    1.5 hours
  • Social Media

    Social Media

    This presentation provides participants with information on their roles and responsibilities when using social media. Information and discussions on public servants' responsibilities to abide by the Code of Conduct at all times, including on social media. Topics covered include:

    • A review of the code of conduct with a focus on political neutrality and impartiality
    • Official, Professional and Personal use of Social Media (on duty or off duty)
    • The freedom of expression under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms
    • Relevant policies and guidelines

    Embedded in the presentation are case studies, scenarios and opportunities for discussion. Presentations can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

    1.5 hours
  • Civility and a Healthy, Respectful Workplace

    Civility and a Healthy, Respectful Workplace

    This workshop creates awareness and understanding of civility and how it contributes to a healthy and respectful workplace. It addresses topics such as:

    • Organizational culture
    • Respect
    • Diversity
    • Mental health, and
    • The impact of incivility on people and the workplace

    Participants will learn the importance of communication, of addressing concerns as soon as possible, and will lean what resources are available. Embedded in the presentation are scenarios and opportunities for discussion. Presentations can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

    2 hours
  • Respectful Workplace: Understanding and Preventing Harassment

    Respectful Workplace: Understanding and Preventing Harassment

    This workshop provides an overview of the Policy on Harassment Prevention and Resolution:

    • Policy framework; the Policy and the Directive
    • Definition of Harassment; what is and what isn't
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • Avenues for Resolution
    • Tools, resources and case studies

    Participants will learn the importance of a harassment prevention program in the workplace, and what resources are available for dealing with harassment. Embedded in the presentation are scenarios and opportunities for discussion. Presentations can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

    2.5 hours
  • Working with Integrity: Moving from a Negative to a Positive Workspace

    Working with Integrity: Moving from a Negative to a Positive Workspace

    This workshop provides an enhanced understanding of corporate culture and its impacts. Participants will be engaged with an interesting perspective of how an unhealthy corporate culture can demonstrate symptoms similar to personality disorders.

    Participants will also be provided with an opportunity to analyze and discuss negative workspace behaviours, and best practices to move towards a positive workspace.

    1.5 hours
  • Building on a Strong Foundation: Case Discussion

    Building on a Strong Foundation: Case Discussion

    This presentation provides a safe haven for discussing values and ethics issues and also illustrate a method for resolving values and ethics dilemmas in the workplace.

    Participants will be provided with a brief overview of the core Values of the Public Sector, including Conflict of Interest, and an opportunity to discuss values and ethics scenarios with other participants.

    Presentations and case scenarios can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

  • The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA)

    The Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA)

    This presentation provides an overview of the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act (PSDPA), a mechanism that provides public servants a way to bring forward information on wrongdoing, while protecting them from reprisals when they do so.

    Among other things, participants will learn about what "wrongdoing" means in the context of the public service, how to make a disclosure, and the roles of the Senior Disclosure Officer and the Public Sector Integrity Commissioner.

    1.5 hours
  • The "meme" Game: Ethics Edition

    The "meme" Game: Ethics Edition

    This is an interactive activity for groups of 5 to 35 individuals that encourages dialogue and discussion about values and ethics-related topics such as Civility, the Code of Conduct, Social Media, Harassment, and the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act. This activity involves the pairing of caption cards with photo cards to produce the most thought-provoking or humorous meme.

    After playing this game, each participant will gain a better understanding of their colleagues' perspective on values and ethics, additional ideas to spark further conversation on values and ethics, and tips and practices to apply in the workplace. Laugh-Win-Repeat, you will not be disappointed!

    45 minutes to 1 hour by itself OR 20 minutes when added to another Values and Ethics session
  • Vision & Values

    Vision & Values

    This workshop provides each team member with an opportunity to learn about ESDC's Code of conduct and our organizational values. The discussion is held around the team`s culture and determining the team`s values.


    • What a Team Values document is and what it consists of
    • Why it is important to develop a Team Values Document
    • To establish personal values and team values
    • How to write a Team Values document
    • What the next steps will be
    3.5 hours for the first segment, 2 hours for the second segment
  • "What's your Type?" Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI®) Workshop

    "What's your Type?" Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® (MBTI®) Workshop

    This workshop provides each team member with an opportunity to use the most widely used personality assessment in the world to gain insight on how communication and decision-making styles impact team dynamics and working relationships.

    Participants will receive the following:

    • An introduction to the MBTI instrument
    • Insights on how individual preferences, such as communication and decision-making style, impacts their daily work and working relationships
    • Experiential and interactive activities to assess their personal preferences and observe the opposite preference in their colleagues
    • A view of the team's collective preferences and tips on how to address perceptions of under or overutilization of certain preferences

    Note: There is an associated cost of $90 per person

    3.5 to 4 hours
  • Ethical Leadership

    Ethical Leadership

    This workshop builds on the Civility in the Workplace workshops, with a focus on the roles and responsibilities of leaders/management. The goal is to create awareness and understanding of how organisational culture (civility) is defined, and how it contributes to a healthy and respectful workplace.

    Topics include:

    • The Code of Conduct
    • Organizational culture / Ethical Culture
    • How employees know what is right
    • Organizational factors that influence ethics
    • The Cost of Poor Ethics
    • Principles of Ethical Leadership

    Participants will learn the importance of communication, of leading by example, of addressing concerns as soon as possible, and will lean what resources are available. Embedded in the presentation are case studies, scenarios and opportunities for discussion. Presentations can be tailored to each group to address specific concerns.

    2 hours