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  • Infographic Long Description

    A Values and Ethics Guide to Stewardship


    We are entrusted to use and care for public resources responsibly, for both the short-term and long-term.

    We use resources responsibly by:

    • Effectively and efficiently using the public money, property and resources;
    • Considering the present and long-term effects of our actions on people and the environment; and
    • Acquiring, preserving and sharing knowledge and information as appropriate.


    • Use public money wisely: you are entrusted with Canadian's money; spend it only on necessary items, and according to laws and policies.
    • Responsibly use government property: the documents, equipment, supplies, and the electronic network provided to you are for official purposes only, unless your limited personal use has been authorized.
    • Keep complete and accurate records of your business transactions: make sure that the information you create or receive is identified, stored and organized well to help improve decision making, productivity and client service.
    • Safeguard information: preserve the confidentiality of information, protect the right of access, and handle information securely.


    • Put the electronic network at risk from electronic security threats: guard against the destruction
    • of data and equipment, disclosure of sensitive information, theft and corruption, and exposure to viruses.
    • Overlook the risks of using social media: despite privacy settings, the information you share remains public and even a casual comment has the potential to diminish the Department's ability to deliver its mandate.
    • Post or share inappropriate comments (such as negative, inflammatory, or accusatory statement or uses of inappropriate language) to an account associated with work. Also, don't post derogatory comments about coworkers on any social medial account.

    Let's Discuss

    • Does the Department monitor its electronic network?
    • What are acceptable and unlawful use of the department's electronic network?
    • Can I use, sell, or market what I created, designed, developed, or produced while acting within the scope of my duties, if I have worked on it outside my working hours?

    For more information, visit: Values and Ethics