Integrity - Useful Links

The links on this page lead to a variety of tools, including training opportunities and resources, to enhance your knowledge of the value of Integrity and its expected behaviours and to help you adopt these behaviours in your daily tasks.

Integrity Services: The College@ESDC offers a wide range of courses for employees dealing with matters pertaining to integrity.

Appointment Policy Questions and Answers: Questions and answers to guide public servants in their appointment decisions and ensure they act with integrity.

Conflict of Interest - Discussion Paper 10: A discussion paper on conflict of interest published by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which provides in-depth information on topics related to integrity, such as preferential treatment and off-duty conduct.

Human Resources Service Centre: System for all ESDC employees to submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure for the purposes of ensuring compliance and maintaining information about potential and actual conflict of interest situation for employees of a government institution.