Ethical Decision-making model

ethical descision making model. long description follows image
  • Long description of image


    • Respect for Democracy
    • Respoect for People
    • Integrity
    • Stewardship
    • Excellence


    • Strengthen the ethical culture of ESDC
    • Contribute to public confidence in the integrity of ESDC

    Ethical Decision-Making

    • Step 1: Identify the issue
    • Step 2: Gather the facts and analyze the situation
    • Step 3: Identify Refernce Points
    • Step 4: Identify all possible options
    • Step 5: Select the best option or solution
    • Step 6: Implement the decision well
    • Step 7: Reflect and learn

    Increased change of successful decision Makeing

Use the following model as a guide in helping you make decisions with regard to ethical dilemmas.

Step 1: Identify the issue

In one sentence, identify the main problem.

Step 2: Gather the facts and analyze the situation

Fact finding – gather data and information.

Situational analysis – analyze the issue; be sensitive to cultural context to understand the causes and potential impacts of the problem.

Step 3: Identify reference points

Determine which Acts, regulations, policies, procedures, codes, guidelines etc. that apply to the problem.

Determine which public service value applies to the problem. What must you balance? The rules and laws, consequences, care of others, values, short and long term impacts.

Step 4: Identify all options/ solutions

Consider the complexity of the situation.

Identify all options, even those you deem may not be the best options, and consider the potential outcomes of each.

Step 5: Select the best possible option/ solution

Selecting the best option involves a review and weighing of all your options.

Step 6: Implement the decision well

As a leader, your role does not end with making a decision or selecting your best option, you also need to follow through.

Step 7: Reflect and learn

Elect to review your decision at some point in the future. Was the decision the right one? What have you learned?