Separation clearance process

For those buildings/sites that remain open, the automated Separation Clearance Process is to be followed. (e.g. Manager or manager’s delegated official ensures to physically retrieve all department-issued assets assigned to the employee, including the completed Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form (TBS33047) prior to the employee’s departure; and follows the automated process)

For offices that are opened to Manager’s but not employees…

  • The departing employee is to complete the Return of Departmental Equipment form (ADM5018), listing all departmental assets assigned to the employee and that are to be returned.
  • The employee sends the completed form electronically to his/her Manager; both the employee and Manager must keep a copy of the form.

(Given the current inaccessibility to printers, the Manager can send an e-mail back to the employee confirming his/her acknowledgement of the assets to be returned.)

  • The Manager prepares the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form (TBS33047) and prints off a copy.
  • The Manager makes arrangements with the employee to come on site to return the assets (this would involve a discussion between the Manager and departing employee to set a date and time to meet at the office).
  • Once the Manager confirms that all assets are accounted for, the Manager signs off on the ADM5018 form and provides a copy to the employee as acknowledgement of official receipt; both the Manager and employee are to retain a copy of the form for record keeping.
  • The Manager conducts the exit briefing with the employee using the TBS33047 form; the Manager provides a copy to the employee; both the Manager and employee retains a copy for recordkeeping.
  • The Manager then proceeds to follow the Separation Clearance Process by uploading all relevant documentation into the system and returning all assets to the designated issuing office.
  • If unable to deliver the assets to the designated-issuing office (e.g. RSO), the Manager is to secure the assets in a location where access is controlled (e.g. locked room, locked cabinet, etc.).
(Note: If the Manager is working remotely and does not want to, or is unable to go into the office, the Manager is to follow the procedures below.)

For those buildings/sites that are closed to both Managers and Employees…

  • The departing employee is to record a complete listing of all assets to be returned by using the Return of Departmental Equipment form (ADM5018), and send the electronic version to the Manager for review.
  • The Manager, upon receipt of the form, reviews it and keeps the electronic copy and makes arrangements with the employee to meet in person to return the assets.
  • For the departing employee to return the assets in person, (e.g. photo ID, access card, keys, official files, department-issued IT equipment, office furniture, taxi chits, parking pass, etc.), upon arrival at the meeting place, the employee transfers the assets from his/her vehicle to the Managers vehicle while still practicing social/physical distancing.
  • After the assets are transferred, the Manager compares the list of items to the physical assets being returned by the employee.
  • Once the Manager confirms that all assets are accounted for, the Manager sends an e-mail to the employee as acknowledgement and recordkeeping.
  • Upon return to the alternate workplace (e.g. home), the Manager secures the assets within his/her home until such time that the building opens and the assets can be returned to the issuing office.
  • The Manager prepares the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form (TBS33047) and sends it via e-mail to the employee to read and acknowledge; the employee does so by sending an-email of confirmation to the Manager that he/she has read Part C and agrees to abide by the requirements set forth within. The Manager retains the e-mail for record keeping and future reference/actions.
  • The Manager sends an e-mail, with confirmation, to the issuing office (e.g. Regional Security Office (RSO), IT (NSD if applicable) that all assets have been returned and requests cancellation of all access privileges (e.g. building access, systems/network access). (Note: The RSO will advise the Manager whether or not, during the crisis, to send the Photo ID and building pass (if applicable) to the RSO.
  • Once the Manager is able to return to the designated workplace, he/she can then print off the form, sign-it and where the employee was to sign it, just put “COVID-19-E-signature on file” and the date (e.g. the date of the acknowledgement e-mail both by the Manager’s date and the departing employee’s date). The Manager is to e-mail the form and the checklist to their respective RSO.
  • The Manager keeps a record on file of all correspondence with the employee and other stakeholders (e.g. electronic and/or hardcopy) related to the employee’s departure process.
  • The Manager completes the automated Separation Cearance Process and uploads all relevant documents into the system for tracking.
  • Once the crisis is over and buildings re-open, the Manager returns the assets to the appropriate issuing office (e.g. RSO, IITB, etc.).

For Managers and departing Employees who work in separate geographical areas

(e.g. Reporting Manager in Edmonton, AB; departing employee in Ottawa, ON) …

  • The departing employee is to provide a complete listing of all assets being returned by using the Return of Departmental Equipment form (ADM5018), and send the electronic version to his/her Manager and Host Manager (e.g. Ottawa on-site Manager) for review.
  • The Manager, upon receipt of the form, coordinates with the Host Manager to request assistance in retrieving the physical assets.
  • The Host Manager follows the procedures above for retrieval of the assets and provides confirmation to the departing employee’s Manager.
  • The Manager prepares the Security Screening Certificate and Briefing Form (TBS33047) and sends it to the employee to read and acknowledge; the employee does so by sending an-email of confirmation to the Manager, with the attached form, and confirming that he/she has read Part C and agrees to abide by the requirements set forth within. The Manager retains the e-mail for record keeping and future reference/actions.
  • The Manager keeps a record on file of all correspondence with the employee and Host Manager (e.g. electronic and/or hardcopy) related to the employee’s departure process.
  • The Manager completes the automated Separation Clearance Process and uploads all relevant documents into the system for tracking.