What’s the Big Deal If…
I e-mail work files to my home computer to work on?

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Why it is a big deal

  • You’re putting the confidentiality of the information at risk – the e-mail could be lost, intercepted, or accidentally sent to the wrong person
  • You cannot guarantee the security of the files when they’re in transit or, when they’re on your home computer


You need to complete a report that is due tomorrow morning, but you won’t be able to finish it at work so you want to take it home. What should you do?

Possible actions (Vote on the correct answer)

  • Option 1: E-mail it home. It’ll be okay since you’ll just do it this one time
  • Option 2: Get approval from your manager and borrow the appropriate department-issued equipment (e.g. encrypted USB key or laptop)
  • Option 3: Password protect the document, then e-mail it home


  • Option 2 is the correct choice – your manager should get the right equipment for you
  • E-mailing work files to your personal e-mail account is a security violation
  • Password protecting documents does not provide enough protection. Passwords can easily be cracked

Key take-aways

  • If you need to work from home, then talk to your manager. The appropriate devices will be issued to you (i.e. laptop, encrypted USB key)
  • It is a security violation to e-mail work related documents to your home computer

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