Information Categorization —
From Concept to Innovative Tool


Good day. My name is Richard Bonin, Security Advisor.

I have been working for the government for almost 36 years.

I had a vision 3 years ago.

An interactive tool that would guide the employees

on how to properly secure their information.

Some kind of one place shopping concept.

A guide that would contain a lot of information but nothing complicated,

something interactive and a guide that would tell everyone

how to properly secure, transport, and destroy their information.

When I was conducting Security Breach investigation in the past,

I've noticed the same thing all the time.

I had the same comments from the employees all the time during those investigations:

Well, I could not find the answer on how I could secure properly.

It was an emergency and I had to send it right away.

Well, I presented this vision to my supervisor and I've got a great response.

I got his full support, and this project came to life.

I am very proud of this tool, the Information Categorization Tool

and hope it will serve you a lot.

Have fun navigating.