Sensitive Document Collaboration Service (SDCS)

What is its purpose?

  • Allows for creation and collaboration of sensitive information in a secure environment
  • Protects sensitive information from unauthorized use or disclosure

A secure document repository within SharePoint for all documents classified as Protected C, Confidential, or Secret

The only place for ESDC employees to create, collaborate on, and store sensitive documents

An interim measure until ESDC transitions to a government-wide solution

Storing information above Protected B in other locations (e.g. network shared drives, regular SharePoint sites) puts the information and the department at risk.

Use ESDC approved encrypted USB keys for documents that require collaboration outside of ESDC.

How it works

  • Access to SDCS is managed by branch coordinators.
  • SDCS is only accessible to employees who have:
    • a Secret security clearance, and
    • have been added to the access control list by their branch coordinator.
  • Branches are responsible for the security clearances of their employees.
  • Access to the SDCS is granted and controlled by your network login credentials. Never share your network password.
  • Having access to sensitive documents does not mean you are authorized to access all of them. You must also have a need-to-know.

Using SDCS

Sensitive Document Collaboration Service (SDCS) (accessible by permission only)

You should also know...

  • New sensitive documents must be created within SDCS
  • Compatible with Microsoft Office (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Computer must be connected directly to the ESDC electronic network
  • Only for Protected C, Confidential, and Secret documents
  • For internal ESDC use only
  • Do not create or save copies of sensitive documents anywhere else
  • Not compatible with PDFs
  • Cannot be used over AppGate or when using GC Wi-Fi or VPN outside of a secure work area
  • Not for Protected A, Protected B, or Top Secret documents
  • Not for external use (e.g. collaboration with other departments)