Roles and Responsibilities in Workforce Adjustment

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The placement of employees affected by current and proposed transformation initiatives is an important objective for managers and employees alike. In this respect, all parties involved play a major role and must assume their responsibilities as follows:


Managers have the ultimate accountability for human resources decisions within their respective organizations. Managers are also responsible for helping employees manage their careers and develop the skills they need to function in the Department (now and in the future) or elsewhere within the public service.

Specific managerial responsibilities with respect to workforce management include:

  • Being well informed about the applicable WFA agreement, the services available, and keeping employees informed;
  • Being aware of employees’ needs and career aspirations;
  • Being available to employees and maintaining a healthy and enabling workplace throughout the adjustment period;
  • Assisting employees in need of placement, continuing to pay their salaries during the transition period, and providing employees with valid work assignments to ensure they remain both motivated and productive;
  • Allowing employees reasonable time to prepare for and seek employment;
  • Identifying required services, courses and information sessions for affected employees (e.g. résumé preparation, job search and interview techniques, etc.);
  • Providing employment references for employees;
  • Providing re-training opportunities and funding as appropriate;
  • Allowing employees time to seek services and assistance (e.g. counselling, training) and time to market themselves and attend interviews;
  • Encouraging employees to consider all potential employment opportunities;
  • Having follow-up discussions regarding specific referral situations/outcomes and challenging where appropriate; and
  • Meeting regularly with priority persons regarding their referral activity and support required to facilitate their placement (HRSB to provide managers with reports of priority referral activity from both the Departmental Vacancy Management System and the PSC Priority Information Management System (PIMS)).


For employees to meet their obligations under WFA agreements and to maximize their opportunities to secure alternative employment within the Department and across the public service, their responsibilities include:

  • Actively seeking employment opportunities in co-operation with HRSB and the Public Service Commission;
  • Providing the HR consultant with up-to-date information required to assist in seeking employment (e.g. résumé, references, career goals, mobility and availability);
  • Liaising with their manager and the HR advisor, and informing them of any new experience or training that may contribute to a final placement;
  • Seeking out information about their entitlements, obligations and available support services and programs;
  • Ensuring that they can easily be contacted, making themselves available for referral appointments;
  • Preparing properly for the selection process/interview;
  • Carrying out personal searches for employment opportunities within the Department and across the public service; and
  • Seriously considering job opportunities presented, including retraining possibilities.