Authority Delegation Training Program - Canada School Of Public Service - FAQ

  • General Information
  • 1. How does the revised Authority Delegation Training (ADT) program differ from the previous program and ADT courses?

    Initially the ADT Program was composed of the following courses:

    • Essentials of Managing in the Public Service G110 (managers, 5 day classroom).
    • Essentials of Authority Delegation in the Public Service for New Executives G126 (EX-01, 5 day classroom – archived).
    • Essentials of Authority Delegation in the Public Service for New Executives G226 (EX-01, 3 day classroom).
    • Essentials of Executive Management G127 (EX-02/EX-03, 2 day classroom), and
    • Orientation for Assistant Deputy Ministers G221 (1 day event that covers some elements of authority delegation training).

    Changes to the new online ADT program include:

    • Consolidation to one open, streamlined, self-paced online Authority Delegation Training (G110) course for managers at all levels with EX specific content, as required;
    • Two online assessment streams; one for managers and one for executives (EX-01 to EX-05);
    • Authority delegation will no longer be part of the Orientation for Assistant Deputy Ministers (G221) which will continue solely as an orientation for new ADMs.
  • 2. Can we expect further changes to the Authority Delegation Training (G110) course in the future?

    Yes. The G110 course will continuously evolve to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with policy updates.

  • 3. I have already taken the previous G110 online course or G110 classroom course. Do I have to re-take the new online version?

    No. The new online version of G110 replaces all previous versions of the G110 and other ADT classroom courses (i.e. G126, G226 and G127).

  • 4. What does the Authority Delegation Training online course include?

    This online self-paced course provides you with the information you need to exercise your delegated authorities in human resources, finance, procurement, information management and related fields.

    You will learn about the core legislation, regulations, policies and guidelines that govern your roles and responsibilities within the federal public service. The course consists of the following 8 modules:

    • Module 1 – Introduction
    • Module 2 – Management Accountability Framework
    • Module 3 – Governance
    • Module 4 – Communications
    • Module 5 – Financial Responsibilities
    • Module 6 – Procurement Responsibilities
    • Module 7 – Human Resources Responsibilities
    • Module 8 – Protecting the Workplace
  • 5. For whom is the ADT program intended?

    The ADT program is primarily intended for learners, including managers and supervisors at all levels, who (as a result of a change in duties or an acting appointment, for example) require immediate or "just-in-time" authority delegation training to receive financial signing authorities.

    Those who are interested in enhancing their foundational knowledge in human resources, finance, procurement, information management, Management Accountability Framework (MAF) and communications may also access the training for developmental purposes.

  • 6. Will learners who complete the Authority Delegation Training (G110) for developmental purposes automatically obtain signing authority?

    No. You must be assigned the appropriate ADT certification path, complete the required assessments for managers or executives as well as the appropriate validation test to obtain financial signing authorities (refer to ‘certification’ section).

  • 7. Who decides whether I need to take the Authority Delegation Training (G110) course and assessment?

    The G110 course is open to all Federal Public Service employees. Individual organizations identify learners who require the course in order to obtain their signing authority. Organizations, through their Required Training Coordinators (RTC), assign those learners to the appropriate ADT certification path for their respective level – manager or executive.

    If you have already completed the G110 for developmental purposes or have completed a previous version of the G110 or other ADT course such as the G126, G226 or G127, you do not have to redo the G110. You may revisit the course modules at any time in order to refresh your knowledge or you may want to refer to it while completing your manager or executive assessments.

  • 8. I have been identified to complete ADT to obtain my financial signing authority, how do I register to and access the course and assessment?

    If you require ADT in order to obtain your financial signing authorities, you must be assigned the appropriate ADT assessment certification path by your RTC. Once the certification path is assigned, you can self-register to the G110 online. You will also need to contact the Client Contact Centre (CCC) to register for the assessments.

  • 9. How do I get my financial signing authorities?

    Managers must successfully complete all components of the ADT Validation Certification for Managers (G110, G510 and C451) to receive delegated signing authorities.

    Executives must successfully complete all components of the ADT Validation Certification for Executives (G110 or equivalent and G610) to receive delegated signing authorities.

    The Authority Delegation Training (ADT) for Managers consists of: the online ADT (G110), the Manager ADT Checkpoint (G510) and the online ADT Assessment for Managers (C451). The ADT for Executives consists of: the online ADT (G110) and the Executive online ADT Assessment (G610).

    You must provide proof of successful completion of your assessment to your organization in order to be delegated financial signing authorities. Your assessment is valid for 5 years.

  • 10. Do I have a set amount of time to complete the training?

    Although this is a self-paced online training, you are encouraged to complete the course and validation assessment as quickly as possible in order to obtain your signing authorities and apply the knowledge you acquired through the course.

  • 11. How much time will it take to complete the training?

    It will take approximately:

    • 18 hours to complete the Authority Delegation Training (G110);
    • 3 hours to complete the Manager assessments consisting of the Manager Authority Delegation Checkpoint (G510) which will take 1.5 hours and the Authority Delegation Assessment for Managers (C451) which will also take approximately 1.5 hours;
    • 3.5 hours to complete the Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610).
  • 12. What happens if I can't complete the training at once? Can I leave and come back later?

    You can re-launch the course and assessments as many times as you like by logging in through GCcampus.

  • 13. If I don't successfully complete the online assessments, how long must I wait before retaking them?

    You can take the assessment components of the online training as many times as required until you are marked successful. There is no wait time required between attempts.

  • ADT Certification Paths
  • 14. What is the difference between the manager’s and the executive’s assessment?

    If you require ADT in order to obtain your delegated signing authorities, you will be assigned one of the following certification paths:

    • The Authority Delegation Training Validation Certification for Managers consists of: the Authority Delegation Training (G110), the Manager Authority Delegation Training Checkpoint (G510) and the Authority Delegation Assessment for Managers (C451).

    Since at this stage you will be exercising your delegated authorities for the first time, the assessments focus on the acquisition of the knowledge required to exercise your delegated authorities. The assessments evaluate your understanding of the content covered in the G110.

    • The Authority Delegation Training Validation Certification for Executives consists of: the Authority Delegation Training (G110) and the Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610).

    The online self-paced G610 ensures that you understand the legislations, regulations, policies, and frameworks needed to adequately exercise your delegated authorities. It builds on the knowledge you acquired in the G110 or previous ADT courses and focuses on helping you develop the high level of strategic thinking and decision making you need to exercise your delegated authorities. The G610 ensures that you apply your knowledge through scenarios that cover various themes and each scenario is followed by relevant knowledge questions. You advance through the assessment by responding correctly to all the exercises and the knowledge questions at the end of each scenario and are deemed successful upon completing the assessment in its entirety.

  • 15. Who can access the ADT assessments for managers or executives?

    The ADT assessments are assigned by your Required Training Coordinators (RTC) through the appropriate certification path. The assessments apply to the core public administration, as listed in Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act. If your organization is not one of those listed but would like to use or access ADT Required Training assessments, please contact the School's Departmental Client Services team by email at CSPS.clients.EFPC or by phone at 819-953-7717.

  • For Managers
  • 16. How does the revised Authority Delegation Training (G110) course differ from the previous online G110 (Authority Delegation Training for Managers)?

    The previous online G110 (Authority Delegation Training for Managers) could only be assigned to learners who were identified by their Required Training Coordinators (RTC). The course was targeted to managers who required immediate or ‘just-in-time’ authority delegation training to obtain their signing authorities.

    The revised Authority Delegation Training (G110) course is open and available to all learners through GCcampus. The revised course is targeted to managers at all levels (including executives), who require ADT to obtain their signing authorities.

  • 17. How does the online course Authority Delegation Training (G110) differ from the former classroom course Essentials of Managing in the Public Service (G110)?

    The revised course is fully online and addresses managers at all levels (including executives). Like the classroom G110 (Essentials of Managing in the Public Service), it provides you with the information you need to exercise your delegation authorities in human resources, finance, procurement, information management and related fields.

  • 18. What is the difference between the Manager Authority Delegation Training Checkpoint (G510) and the Authority Delegation Assessment for Managers (C451)?

    The G510 consists of 50 multiple choice type questions including scenarios that review the concepts covered in the G110 and prepare you to successfully complete the C451. Upon attaining a 70% pass mark on the G510, you will automatically be given access to the official C451.

    The C451 consists of 40 randomized multiple choice questions that cover 4 knowledge assessment streams relating to authorities and responsibilities delegated to managers working in the Core Public Administration (Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act). These streams assess your knowledge of assets and acquired services, financial management, human resources management, and information management. Once you have achieved the required 70% pass mark for each stream in the C451, you must provide proof of completion to your RTC and Manager in order to obtain your financial signing authority.

    The G110 course, the G510 and the C451 are the 3 components required to obtain financial signing authority.

  • For Executives
  • 19. For whom is the Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610) intended?

    This assessment is intended for executives at all levels (EX-01 to EX-05) who require authority delegation training to receive delegated signing authority. This assessment is part of the executive certification path that can only be assigned by Required Training Coordinators (RTCs).

  • 20. I am a new Executive to the Public Service and have not completed any previous ADT courses, what do I have to do in order to receive my delegated signing authority?

    If you are an executive that has been newly appointed to the Public Service you must complete the Authority Delegation Training Course (G110) prior to completing the Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610). The G110 is the cornerstone to the G610 and contains all the essential information required by public service managers at all levels to exercise their delegated authorities. Your RTC will assign the executive assessment certification path to you in order to complete both the G110 and G610. The ADT assessments apply to the core public administration, as listed in Schedules I and IV of the Financial Administration Act. If your organization is not one of those listed but would like to use or access ADT Required Training assessments, please contact the School's Departmental Client Services team by email at or by phone at 819-953-7717.

  • 21. How does the online Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610) differ from the former ADT classroom courses for executives (Essentials of Authority Delegation in the Public Service for New Executives (G226), Essentials of Executive Management (G127) and ADT portions of the Orientation for Assistant Deputy Ministers (G221))?
    • This self-paced online assessment replaces the previous ADT classroom G226 and G127 courses and ADT content covered in the Orientation for Assistant Deputy Ministers (G221) and gives you easier and wider access to obtain your ADT assessment when you need it, making more judicious use of your time.
    • The G610 builds on foundational ADT learning content in G110. It uses a case study and scenarios to cover various themes. Experiential questions and comprehensive feedback are provided to emphasize the most complex level of strategic thinking and application of knowledge required at executive levels.
    • The G610 reduces redundancies found in previous learning content by building on the fundamental information found in the G110. You will focus on applying what you have learned to further develop your strategic thinking and decision making skills.
    • Validation questions are included throughout the assessment. You must complete the assessment in its entirety in order to be deemed successful.
  • 22. Is there still a pass mark for the EX ADT assessment?

    Each scenario in the Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610) is followed by a series of short validation questions. You must obtain the required pass mark for the validation questions in order to move to the next scenario. If you do not obtain the required pass mark, you will be provided a new series of questions until you pass so that you can then move on to the next scenario. The assessment will be marked as successfully completed only after you have completed it in its entirety.

  • 23. What will happen to the previous EX validation assessments (C452, C453 and C454)?

    The previous EX ADT validation assessments C452, C453, C454, will be discontinued. The new Executive Authority Delegation Training Assessment (G610) includes a series of scenarios, reflection questions and validation questions that must be completed successfully in order to advance through the assessment. The assessment must be completed in its entirety in order for it to be marked as complete. Once complete, the assessment is valid for 5 years.

  • 24. I have already completed the G126, G226, G127 or G221, classroom course and associated validation assessment; do I have to take the new online assessment?

    No, you do not need to take the G610 unless your assessment has expired or you move to a more senior level i.e. EX 02/03 or EX 04/05. In such cases you will have to complete the G610. The G610 replaces all previous classroom courses and validation assessments.

  • 25. I have already completed the G126 or G226 and validation assessment and have been promoted to the EX 02/03 level; do I have to complete the new on-line assessment?

    Yes. Once you have successfully completed the G610 it will be valid for 5 years regardless of another change in level.

  • 26. I have already completed the G127 and validation assessment and have been promoted to the EX 04/05 level; do I have to complete the new on-line assessment?

    Yes. Once you have successfully completed the G610 it will be valid for 5 years regardless of another change in level.

  • 27. As part of the Authority Delegation Training Validation Certification for Executives, I see G110 in my learner’s transcript; do I have to complete it again?

    If you have already completed any ADT courses you do not have to do the G110 again. The revised G110 is open to all and you may consult the G110 modules at any time.

  • 28. I am a new EX, who has already completed ADT as a manager. What is the process to get my delegated signing authorities?

    Contact your RTC and they will assign you to the ADT validation certification path for Executives which consists of the G110 and G610. If you have already completed a previous ADT course you do not have to retake the G110, although it is recommended that you refer to it to refresh your knowledge prior to attempting the G610. Upon completion, the G610 is valid for 5 years regardless of any change in level.

    If you are a new executive to the Public service – it is mandatory that you complete the G110 prior to completing the G610.

  • 29. I am being promoted to a senior level EX position, what is the process to get my delegated signing authorities?

    If you have completed the C452 or C453, the assessment you hold as an executive is valid for 5 years unless you are promoted to an EX 02/03 or EX 04/05 level position. Once your existing validation expires you must contact your RTC who will assign the executive certification path that will allow you to access the G610.

  • 30. When a manager has a valid and active C451, and is acting in an EX 01 position, is he/she required to complete the G610?

    Depending on the responsibilities that the employee will be required to perform, departments through their RTC will decide when the G610 is required. As per the Directive on the Administration of Required Training, first time executives will be required to fulfill the duties of their position with the exception of delegated signing authorities until successful completion of required training.

  • 31. When an executive has a valid and active C452 or C453, and is acting in an EX 02/03 or EX 04/05 position, is he/she required to complete the G610?

    Depending on the responsibilities that the employee will be required to perform, departments through their RTC will decide when the G610 is required. As per the Directive on the Administration of Required Training, first time executives will be required to fulfill the duties of their position with the exception of delegated signing authorities until successful completion of required training.

  • Revalidation
  • 32. Do I have to complete G110 online before doing my revalidation?

    No. If you only need revalidation, you can access the Authority Delegation Assessment Revalidation (C451-1 for managers or G610 for executives) through your Required Training Coordinator (RTC).

  • 33. I am an EX whose validation has expired and I have to revalidate, what do I do?

    Contact your RTC who will assign the executive certification path that will allow you to access the G610. Once completed, it is valid for 5 years regardless of any change in position or level.

  • 34. What will happen once the G610 expires?

    The G610 is valid for 5 years. Once the validation for the G610 expires, a revalidation process will be in place to ensure learners are able to revalidate. The process for revalidation of the G610 will be communicated in time for the next validation period.

  • 35. Previously executives were required to re-validate each time they moved to a more senior level or every 5 years, whichever came first. Is this still the case?

    Yes, unless you have completed the G610. With the launch of the revised ADT program, executives who have already completed the G610 will be required to revalidate their knowledge every 5 years regardless of a change in position or level.

  • 36. What is the difference between the C451, C451-1 and C451-2 assessments?

    After you obtain the required pass mark and successfully complete the G510, you will automatically be given access to the official C451 Authority Delegation Assessment for Managers. The assessment is good for 5 years at which time you may re-validate if required using the C451-1. The C451-1 is also valid for five years and if you need to revalidate again you will be assigned the C451-2. There is no difference between these products, which are made up of a 40 question online assessment, divided into 4 streams: Procurement, Human Resources, Finance and Information Management. Questions are randomly generated every time you complete the assessment. In all cases, once you have achieved the required 70% pass mark for all streams in the C451, or C451-1 or C451-2, you will be marked as successful and must provide proof of completion to your RTC and manager in order to obtain your financial signing authority.

  • 37. How much time do I have to complete the revalidation once it has been assigned to me?

    The link to the authority delegation revalidation assessments will be automatically deactivated after 180 days. Should this occur, please contact your RTC in order to reactivate the link.

  • Information for Required Training Coordinators (RTC)
  • 38. Will RTCs still assign the same certification paths they have always used, or is there a new path to be assigned?

    RTCs will now assign the Authority Delegation Training Certification for Managers and the Authority Delegation Training Certification for Executives.

  • 39. Will organizations be able to obtain reports that indicate which learners have started and finished the Authority Delegation Training Certifications they were assigned to?

    Yes. RTCs can access this information through the Certification Dashboard.

  • 40. I am an RTC. What should I do if I find unidentified learners from my organization on the report?

    Unidentified learners will not appear on reports. Should this situation arise, please contact the School's Departmental Client Services team by email at or by phone at 819-953-7717. Learners who are not properly identified and assigned to the certification will not be able to register to the assessments.