ESDC Office of Informal Conflict Management

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ESDC Office of Informal Conflict Management. Long description below
Long Description

Helps employees by acting as a neutral third party and offering them ways to prevent, manage and resolve workplace conflicts.

Want to Prevent, Manage or Resolve Workplace Conflicts?

1. Submit a request for services...

  • OCIM will respond to your request within 48 hours and assign your file to a practitioner.
  • Assigned ICM Practitioner will contact you within 5 business days.

2. ICM Practitioner will assist you in determining services required for the situation

3. One or more of the following services may be provided:

  • Consultation
  • Conflict Coaching
  • Faciclitated Conversation
  • Mediation
  • Group Process

4. Voluntarily complete the Client Feedback Form for services rendered

Our Services

  • Consultation

    Discuss and/or obtain professional guidance about a conflict situation in which they may or may not be directly involved.

  • Conflict Coaching

    One on one service to help develop your conflict management skills and find creative, effective and constructive ways to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts on your own.

    Coaching programs for supervisors are also available.

  • Facilitated Conversation

    An informal conversation between two or more people, facilitated by a third party neutral, whrer conditions are established to make it easier for individuals involved to discuss difficult topica and reach mutually agreed-upon solutions.

  • Meditation

    An informal conversation between two or more people, facilitated by a third party neutral, whrere conditions are established to make it easier for individuals involved to discuss difficult topic and reach mutually agreed-upon solutions. When agreement is reached, terms terms of settlement is written and signed off by all parties involved.

  • Group Process

    Identify the issues causing conflict(s) and explore within your group options for resolution.

  • Awareness Activities

    Learn more about conflict prevention and resolution through presentations, training and workshops.