Informal Conflict Management System National Advisory Committee Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM)

Minutes – May 7th, 2018

  • Participants





    Albert Tshimanga

    Co-chair, Director

    Office of Workplace Values, Recognition and Resolution


    Eddy Bourque

    National Vice President, Ontario

    Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)


    Nadine Neis

    Area Director

    Citizen Services Branch, Service Canada (W-T)


    Guy Cyr


    Workplace Management HR Services Branch (NHQ)


    Jennifer Vincent

    Senior Communications Advisor

    Strategic Portfolio Communications


    Vince Harris


    Association of Canadian Financial Officers (ACFO)


    Yves Perreault


    Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM)


    Jacqueline Allen


    Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM)


    Lynda MacLellan

    National Vice-President Women’s Issues (W-T)

    Canada Employment and Immigration Union (CEIU)


    Michel Daoust

    Labour Relations officer assigned to ESDC

    Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)


    Yvonne Snaddon-Bilbija


    Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)

Topic - Discussion - Action Items

1. Welcoming remarks (Co-Chairs)

(Albert & Eddy)

  • Albert Tshimanga and Eddy Bourque welcomed members.

2. Introduction of new NAC members

(Albert & Eddy)

We are pleased to welcome several new members:

  • New co-chair from CEIU: Eddy Bourque
  • New CEIU representative: Lynda MacLellan
  • New ACFO representative: Vince Harris
  • New PIPSC representative: Yvonne Snaddon-Bilbija
  • New management representative: Nadine Neis
  • New Labour Relations Representative: Guy Cyr

3. Changes to OICM’s reporting structure


  • Albert explained changes to OICM’s reporting structure. OICM is now part of Office of Values, Recognition and Resolution under Danièle Besner’s Workplace Management Directorate.
  • Luc raises CEIU’s concerns with the fact that OICM is under the same directorate as Labour Relations and that Danièle Besner is overlooking both. Albert and Guy assured the committee that they do not discuss cases with each other. CEIU knows that but they raised the concern in terms of perception. It’s the proximity that makes CEIU uncomfortable.

4. Introduction of our Director General, Workplace Management Directorate – Danièle Besner

(Albert for Danièle)

Unfortunately, Danièle Besner was unable to join us as initially planned. However, she shared her thoughts and key points with Albert, which are the following:

  • There is a need to work together to informally resolve conflicts in the workplace and we all have a role to play.
  • OICM is key within ESDC to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts through the various services offered.
  • If I look at the 2008 survey:
    • In 2008, a survey was conducted with 5,000 employees located in 9 countries and concluded that time spent dealing with internal conflicts cost companies $359-billion (USD) worth of lost work hours dealing with conflict in some way (such as, being involved in a disagreement, managing a conflict between co-workers, etc.).
    • Conflicts cost Canada’s organizations.

(Note: according to a survey of employees in 9 countries by Consulting Psychology Press Inc., a provider of organizational development services.)

  • As you know there are also the immeasurable costs to a person experiencing conflict, because for the period of time that someone is living a conflict situation, they live a certain level of distress until the matter is resolved.
  • From my perspective, the law makers got it right in 2005 when the new PSLRA introduced the requirement of each department/agencies having to establish an informal conflict management system (ICMS).
  • For the last 12 years the Office of Informal Conflict Management, in collaboration with our key partners (union, management reps and other key stakeholders), many represented at this table today, has been providing services to the organization to respond, manage or help prevent conflict from escalating or better yet from occurring.
  • The last NAC meeting was held during FY 2015/2016. Since then, there have been a few changes in terms of our management team. Mr. Albert Tshimanga is now the Director of the Office of Informal Conflict Management (OICM) and who also serves as Senior ICMS Officer, is supported by me, from the Workplace Management Directorate at HRSB.
  • As you know, the mandate of the NAC is to provide various partners with the opportunity to discuss informal conflict management issues, work on various initiatives aimed at optimizing the effectiveness and visibility of the OICM and make recommendations to senior management.

For those of you around the table, I consider you ambassadors in:

  • Actively liaising with partners and end users of ICMS services;
  • Sharing information, identify issues, trends and needs;
  • Representing your respective community within the ESDC organization;
  • Consulting, sharing information and communicating Committee decisions to your colleagues; and,
  • Providing feedback and recommendations on products, tools and strategies on behalf of your community prior to Executive consideration.
  • are aware that this informal approach exists;
  • know how to access services; and,
  • are aware of the numerous tools, approaches and supports are available to assist them in preventing and resolving conflicts.

5. Review of the NAC Terms of Reference


  • All members of the Committee reviewed the Terms of reference document and suggested changes. Those amendments have been added to the Terms of Reference document as agreed during the meeting. Catherine-Blanche agreed to amend Terms of Reference and will provide draft to members for final approval.
  • CEIU suggested that we recruit more management representatives to serve on the committee. All members agreed. Albert and Eddy as co-chairs have agreed to solicit for interest.
  • ACFO suggested that NAC co-chairs could represent the committee by providing updates and presentations to various management and/or unions committee. The co-chairs agreed and confirmed that it was such in the past.

Action items

The co-chairs, Albert Tshimanga and Eddy Bourque, will recruit additional management representatives.

6. 2016-17 OICM Annual Report


  • Jacqueline presented a summary of the data covered in OICM’s 2016-17 annual report. Please refer to the Annual Report Power Point Presentation and the Infographic for more details.

7. Trends Report


  • These reports are published on a quarterly basis. They include trends observed across the country by the practitioners as well as the planning and coordination team members. These trends can be national or specific to one or more regions or business line. The reports are written in a neutral language with the assurance that the confidentiality of our clients is maintained.
  • OICM will send you the latest trends report for your information.
  • OICM would like to know if you’re interested in sharing the trends you see from your members?
    • The committee members all agreed to contribute to identifying and discussing trends they are observing from their perspective at every NAC meeting (standing item). These trends will be rolled-up with trends identified by OICM employees.

8. Scheduling of next three meetings


  • Our next meetings will be in September, January and May. Catherine will provide a few suggested dates for each meeting.

Round Table


  • Issues Unions are hearing about:
    • Issues with stewards’ ability to take time to prepare for grievances and consultations.
    • Inflexibility of leave
    • Mental health issues
    • Call centers are experiencing lack of time for training
    • Front-end staff are also experiencing lack of time/scheduling challenges for training
  • OICM is currently in contact with multiple call centers to assist them in meeting the requirements of new PA article 58.02. OICM is also working on an integrated national strategy for the year 2018-19 in response.
  • OICM is also open to finding creative solutions to better support front-end staff.
  • OICM will provide committee members with ICM training that is available on SABA to help participants respond, manage and better yet prevent conflict.

Wrap up


  • Thanked all participants for attending and looks forward to working in collaboration with all members in promoting and increasing visibility of ICMS services throughout ESDC.