Dynamic Sitting Posture

Dynamic Sitting PostureNo single sitting posture can remain comfortable if maintained for long periods of time. Movement is important for minimizing fatigue and static effort of the muscles.

  • Neck is in a neutral position with the top line of text slightly below eye level;
  • Upper arm s hanging vertically, with the forearms horizontal and elbows close to the body;
  • No bending of the wrists and fingers falling naturally downward. The employee should move the mouse with a full arm movement, keeping the wrist straight and in line with his/her shoulder;
  • A back angle of 110° to 130° when keyboarding and an erect or upright spine, when writing;
  • Thighs approximately in a horizontal position and the lower legs vertical; the seat height should be at, or a little below, the popliteal (knee) height of the employee;
  • Feet well supported on the floor or footrest