Update from ESDC’s Compensation Services Directorate

Dear Colleagues:

Without a doubt, these are unprecedented times. I would like to take a moment today to communicate the response to COVID-19 that is being coordinated by ESDC’s Compensation Services Directorate, and by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), including the Pay Centre. I will also be providing an overview of how we will be working together in the coming weeks to support the timely and accurate pay for ESDC employees. 

The message below provides an update on three key areas:

  • Update on the temporary measures related to the approval of all staffing and compensation related transactions for employees/candidates and Section 34 (S.34) delegated managers (i.e. letters of offer, contracts, leave forms, etc.). 
  • Continuity and prioritization of services within ESDC’s Compensation Services Directorate; and,
  • Continuity of services at PSPC, pay service provider for the Government of Canada.

Temporary measures related to the approval of all staffing and compensation related transactions

These measures are in accordance with guidelines and instructions issued by the Chief Financial Officer Branch. The instructions regarding how to electronically sign a PDF document using Entrust, or digitally sign an email are available on iService.

Measures for candidates and employees:

Candidates/employees have three options to initiate and/or accept the process of a staffing and/or pay-related transaction (i.e. letters of offer, contracts, leave forms, etc.):

  1. As per normal practice, the candidate/employee may print, sign, scan or take a photo of the signed documentation and return the information by email to the manager.
  2. If the candidate/employee does not have access to print documentation in order to provide a wet signature, an Entrust electronically signed PDF document will be accepted. The documentation must be returned by email to the hiring manager.
  3. Where neither of the above options are possible, the candidate/employee’s approval will be accepted via a digitally signed email. The email template (MSG, 32 KB), containing the relevant documentation, must be returned to the hiring manager. Where candidate/employees do not have access to the digital signature functionality, an email will be accepted. Please note that in cases where non-digitally signed email is used, an official wet signature may be requested at a later date.

Measures for S.34 sub-delegated managers:

S.34 sub-delegated managers have three options to confirm their approval to process staffing and pay-related actions (i.e. letters of offer, contracts, leave forms, etc.):

  1. As per normal practice, the S.34 manager may print, sign, scan, and upload authoritative documentation in the Human Resources Service Centre (HRSC) to request a pay-related action. Photos of signed documents are also accepted.
  2. If the S.34 manager does not have access to print and scan authoritative documents to provide a wet signature, an Entrust electronically signed PDF document will be accepted. All electronically signed documents are to be uploaded via the HRSC as per normal practice.
  3. Where neither of the above options are possible, the S.34 manager’s approval will be accepted via digitally signed email. The approval email must include all pay documents or forms required to process the request. Digitally signed emails and supporting documents are to be sent to NA-HRSC-CSRH-GD (MSG, 31 KB).

Please note that there are no changes to the approval processes in Phoenix Self-Service for overtime, leave without pay of five consecutive days or less, employees submitting timesheets, and those on an approved rehabilitation program.

Continuity and prioritization of services within ESDC’s Compensation Services Directorate

The Compensation Services Directorate has identified and prioritized critical services to continue to provide pay stability to our ESDC employees.

Priority 1: Maintain Income Security

  • Start pay for new employees.
  • Maintain pay for employment extensions.
  • Reactivate pay for employees returning from a period of leave without pay.
  • In partnership with the Chief Financial Officer Branch, addressing situations where an employee has received little or no pay, to offer an Emergency Salary Advance (ESA) or a Salary Priority Payment (SPP). It is important to note that the eligibility criteria for SPP have been revised, making them more accessible to employees with pay issues.

Priority 2: Minimize the risk of overpayment and support critical/hardship escalations

  • Cease pay for employees proceeding on leave without pay of five consecutive days or longer, to reduce the risk of overpayment, and ensure these employees have access to documentation required to apply for other benefits or insurances.
  • Cease pay for employees leaving the department to reduce the risk of overpayment, and ensure these employees have access to the documentation required to apply for benefits or receive their pension.
  • Support employees and managers in the escalation of the most critical pay issues.

Priority 3: Processing pay transactions under directorate’s mandate

  • Continue to ensure that pay transactions under the ESDC mandate are completed in a timely manner to further stabilize pay.
  • Process changes to employment and pay, such as actings, promotions, and transfers.

Non-Critical Services

Non-critical compensation services will continue in a manner that does not interfere with network access for ESDC employees performing critical functions. Due to limited access and resource availability, the following non-critical services are affected:

  • The monthly Pay Bulletin corporate communication will be limited to provide only essential information regarding pay.
  • Program and Services Delivery Clerk (PSDC) reclassification project is suspended.
  • Monthly timeliness reports will not be distributed to PMB. Timeliness will continue to be monitored.  Managers are encouraged to be timely in completing pay-related documentation to minimize the likelihood of pay issues for employees.

Continuity of services at PSPC, pay service provider for the Government of Canada

Pay administration services have been deemed critical at PSPC, and no reductions in pay service delivery have been announced. Employees are working from home where possible, and have priority access to the virtual private network.

In closing, I am proud of the contribution our department is making to deliver much needed services to Canadians during this difficult and uncertain time. My team and I continue to take great pride in the work we are doing to support all ESDC employees, and we appreciate your continued support.

Darlène de Gravina
Assistant Deputy Minister
Human Resources Services Branch