Managing First Aid During a Pandemic

OHS Bulletin 20-001(2)

September 2020 (Updated)

Managing First Aid Attendants During a Pandemic

During a pandemic, Site Leads at every workplace must ensure sufficient on-site coverage of First Aid Attendants (FAAs) to meet the requirements of the Canada Labour Code, Part II, the COHSR – Part XVI and the NJC OHS Directive – Part XVII. Site Leads must consider all possible options for meeting the obligations, in consultation with the Workplace Health and Safety Committee, or Health and Safety Representative, to protect the health and safety of employees while at the workplace.

First Aid Requirements

  • Two or more employees in the workplace requires the presence of an FAA.
  • Employee to FAA ratio of not more than 50:1.

First Aid Attendants in the Workplace

Below are options you may consider to help identify FAAs in your workplace:

  • Ask employees, who have been identified to return to the workplace, if they would volunteer to become an FAA.
  • Ask employees who have been certified in First Aid outside the workplace, but are not currently identified as a workplace FAA, if they may be identified as a workplace FAA.
  • Call on employees whose certifications have expired to recertify as FAAs.
  • Ask team leaders who have been identified to return to the workplace to become an FAA.

*Note: Consideration for employee schedules must be taken into account when planning for adequate FAA coverage at all times.

First Aid Attendant Training

In accordance with provincial and territorial public health authorities, first aid training has resumed in most jurisdictions.

In light of the current pandemic, the St John Ambulance and Canadian Red Cross service providers are offering a blended first aid and CPR training program. It consists of a theory portion delivered online while the practical portion will be delivered in a classroom environment while respecting local public health authority guidelines.

Personal Protective Measures (PPM)

The FAAs should always protect themselves. This means using the proper personal protective measures, such as gloves, non-medical masks and/or a CPR mask with a one-way valve. We cannot stress enough the importance of PPM in every situation that involves first aid.

Every workplace should have extra disposable Nitrile gloves and non-medical masks in order to replenish their First Aid kits.

Delivery of First Aid During a Pandemic

For information on modified procedures for delivery of first aid during a pandemic, please refer to First Aid Procedures During a Pandemic.

Provide mental health support to your First Aid Attendants, including access to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), as needed.