Process To Request First Aid Training In The Atlantic Region


  • Budget Accountability - Sandra Summers CSPDB
  • Key Contact - Diane Gauvin Maurey Regional OHS Advisor

Financial Coding:

  • General Ledger (GL) Account: 533429
  • Cost Centre (CC): 224950
  • Fund: B011 (B005 for PPT employees)
  • Functional Area (FA): To be provided by the employee's business line
  • Internal order (IO): 80542


  • To outline the process to access the Centralized Atlantic First Aid Training budget to fund first aid training for employees who work in an office located in the Atlantic Region, regardless of reporting relationships.


  • In accordance with the Canada OHS Regulations and supplemented by the TBS/NJC OHS Directive, the employer is required to provide first aid service to employees. Each workplace must meet the requirement that stipulates that where there are two or more employees, at least one qualified attendant per 50 employees shall be available at all times during each shift or working period at a location to provide first-aid services, on a voluntary basis, in conjunction with their regular duties.
  • For further information, requirements, and tools pertaining to first aid, please see the Departmental First Aid Program Guide.

The Site Lead at each workplace must:

  • Ensure that there are sufficient first aid attendants available at the workplace;
  • Canvass and select first aid attendants in consultation with the Workplace Health and Safety Committee (WHSC) or Health and Safety Representative (HSR) to effectively cover the workplace;
  • Ensure that appropriate first aid training is provided on a regular basis along with re-certification to maintain a sufficient number of certified first aid attendants;
    • Maintain up to date lists of first aid attendants with name, location and telephone number and post them at every first aid station and any other location deemed appropriate for their operations;
    • Ensure that proper signage is in place to identify first aid attendants.

First Aid Course Requirements:

  • Training requirements are set out in the Canada Labour Code, Part II:
    • Where workplaces are office environments, and the ambulance response time is less than two hours - Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR (1 day course) is required.
    • For workplaces where the ambulance response time is greater than two hours (i.e. remote workplaces), and for workplaces other than an office (i.e. laboratory) - Standard First Aid with Level A CPR (2 day course) is required.
    • Certification for the successful completion of courses shall be issued to employees and are valid for a period of three years from the date of issue; annual re-certification is not required.

Steps To Follow for First Aid Training Requests:

  • 1. - First aid attendant identification
  • 2. - Training application and authorization
    • The Site Lead asks the identified employees to consult the St. John Ambulance website, the Canadian Red Cross website or other approved service providers to identify upcoming training sessions (in conjunction with the Regional OHS Advisor where required).
    • When contacting the service provider, the employee or management must confirm the duration of certification issued by the service provider to ensure both First Aid and CPR are valid for three year duration.
    • The employee(s) requiring training are to document details of the prospective course on the Training Application and Authorization form (GC211).
    • The completed GC211 form must be forwarded to the employee's manager or supervisor for their review and signature in box 16. Please ensure that the date, location and cost of the training are included on the form.
    • The Site Lead or employee manager sends the completed GC211 form to the Regional OHS Advisor via the HR Service Centre (HRSC) Portal using the using the General HR Inquiry Form.
    • The Regional OHS Advisor will review and obtain the Section 32 financial approval from the Atlantic Region LIF CSPDB Manager.
    • The confirmation of approval along with the financial coding will be provided to Site Lead or employee's manager who will proceed with sending the request via the RMS SharePoint site using the General Inquiries form along with a copy to:
      • CSPD BE Advisor (Danielle Larkin) to allow tracking of expenses in the Learning Investment Fund (LIF).
    • The request must include the following details:
      • GC211 form
      • Section 32 financial approval (email)
      • Service provider name and contact information
  • 3. - Registration
    • The Acquisition Officer within Regional Management Services (RMS) will proceed with the request by contacting the service provider and registering the employee to the course and making payment arrangements with their BMO acquisition card.
    • Please note:
      • In NB, NS & NL, the Saint John Ambulance will mail the invoice and wait for payment after the service is rendered.
      • In PEI, the Saint John Ambulance asks that you pay in advance to reserve a seat.
      • For other service providers in PEI, they will mail the invoice and wait for payment after the service is rendered.
      • The RMS Acquisition Officer will advise the employee once they have been registered and request that an email confirmation be sent to them once they have completed the training.
      • Costs for course will be charged to the Centralized Atlantic First Aid Training budget on the condition that the participant has completed and passed the course.
    • Cancelation Policy:
      • Manager or supervisor and employee must review and be familiar with the perimeters of the cancelation/reschedule policy of the service provider upon registration.
      • If a registered participant does not attend the course without providing notice required by the service provider, the department is charged the full price for that missed course. The Department has to subsequently pay for a second course. For this reason, the initial registration fee will be charged to the participant manager's budget.
  • 4. - Travel, Salary and Overtime
    • The employee's cost centre (CC) is responsible for covering all travel, salary and overtime related expenses during the training. For special circumstances, please discuss with Regional OHS Advisor.
  • 5. - Attendance of course
    • The employee attends the course as scheduled.
    • Upon completion of course, the employee shall:
      • track the learning activity in ESDC's ILMS/SABA;
      • provide proof of completion of the course by sending an email to the RMS Acquisition Officer assigned to your request via the RMS SharePoint site.
  • 6. - Payment
    • Once the RMS Acquisition Officer receives confirmation that the employee completed the course and receives the invoice; they can proceed to contact the service provider to make payment with their BMO acquisition card.
    • The RMS Acquisition Officer must include all documentation of their transaction with the BMO acquisition card log:
      • Signed GC211 form
      • Section 32 financial approval (email)
      • Confirmation of course completion
      • Invoice
  • 7 - Updating first aid attendant lists
    • Once the employee receives his/her certificate, they will inform the Site Lead of their name, phone number and certificate expiry date in order to update the workplace first aid attendant list and to ensure that proper signage is in place (if applicable) to identify first aid attendants.
  • If there are any questions regarding this process, please contact the Regional OHS Advisor.