Hazard Prevention Program - Management Action Plan

Hazard Profile Group 3:

Jobs Involving Visits to Client Sites - Employees in this group visit client sites for the purpose of monitoring compliance with employment insurance laws, occupational health and safety laws, labour standard laws, or other laws administered by ESDC.

  • Sub-group A: Employees who spend NO time touring client sites and would spend time ONLY in an office environment where they may interact with clients; and
  • Sub-group B: Employees who spend time touring a client site where they may be exposed to industrial / construction / process hazards. (Health and Safety Officers of the Labour Program)

1.  Infectious Diseases / Biological Hazards

    • a.  Tuberculosis (TB) - while visiting high risk populations (e.g. Native reserves or penitentiaries)

Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

Employees exposed to TB as a result of interaction with groups known to have a high incidence rate of disease would have a greater potential for contracting a communicable disease. Rating is based on severity of TB.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Employees provided awareness on social distancing. Good Hygiene Practices – What is meant by Social Distancing

Managers / Supervisors provide information to employees.

Employees are required to review the information.

Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.


Managers / Supervisors

Information on TB.

Public Health Agency of Canada – It’s Your Health - Tuberculosis

Managers / Supervisors provide information to employees.

Employees are required to review the information.

  • b.  Hepatitis - while visiting high risk populations (e.g. Native reserves or penitentiaries)

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Employees exposed to Hepatitis as a result of interaction with groups known to have a high incidence rate of disease would have a greater potential for contracting a communicable disease. Rating is based on severity of Hepatitis.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Employees provided awareness on social distancing.

Good Hygiene Practices – What is meant by Social Distancing

Managers / Supervisors provide information to employees.

Employees are required to review the information

Information on Hepatitis.

Health Canada - Hepatitis

Health Canada – It’s Your Health – Hepatitis B

PHAC– Quick Facts: Hepatitis C

Managers / Supervisors provide information to employees.

Employees are required to review the information.

Health Canada will provide an immunization program for Sub-group B.

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Hepatitis A

Vaccine-Preventable Diseases: Hepatitis B

Health Canada – It’s Your Health – Hepatitis B

PHAC– Quick Facts: Hepatitis C

Canadian Immunization Guide Seventh Ed. (2006) Part IV: Active Immunizing Agents

Managers / Supervisors

  • c.  HIV - while visiting high risk populations (e.g. when visiting penitentiaries)

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    The severity of outcome would be high and it would be possible for employees to contract HIV if exposed to bodily fluids or contaminated needles when visiting locations known to have a high incidence rate of HIV.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Employees will be provided information on the methods of transmission, signs and symptoms, etc. of infectious diseases, such as HIV.

Public Health Agency of Canada - HIV

Managers / Supervisors provide bulletin to employees.

Employees are required to review information.

Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.


Managers / Supervisors

2.  Psychosocial Hazards – Critical Incident Hazards

  • a.  Physical Violence

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Based on serious nature of consequences if an assault was to occur.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Where an employee is required to travel to client sites and / or to another location to provide government services, an Employee Check-In Form is to be completed

Working Alone Guide

Employee Check-In form

Managers / Supervisors

Provide employees with appropriate communication device such as cellular or satellite telephones when traveling


Managers / Supervisors

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult and distressed clients.

Branch-specific training or generic training on dealing with difficult and distressed clients

Office of Informal Conflict Management

ESDC Code of Conduct

Values and Ethics for the Public Sector

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training

Working Alone Guide

Working Alone Guide

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide.


Employees and managers are required to review the guide and implement its measures.

Module IV: Workplace Violence Prevention

Module IV: Workplace Violence Prevention

Violence Prevention Training

ESDC Code of Conduct

Values and Ethics for the Public Sector

Managers to ensure employees are trained and informed.

Employees are required to take training and review the information.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form ADM3061 Security Incident Report regarding any security incident that has taken place, for example persons who have been difficult, made threats, etc.

ADM3061 Security Incident Report

Corporate Security reviews and investigates, if needed.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report regarding any health and safety incident that has taken place.

LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report

Investigations, forms and reports must be completed in collaboration with the Workplace Health and Safety Committee/Representative

ESDC encourages employees to seek help from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) when they need support after being exposed to physical violence.

Employee Assistance Program

Managers to ensure employees are informed that the EAP is there as a support mechanism
  • b.  Verbal violence / Harassment

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Minimal Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that exposure would occur with minimal consequence.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Where an employee is required to travel to client sites and / or to another location to provide government services, an Employee Check-In Form is to be completed

Working Alone Guide

Employee Check-In form

Managers / Supervisors

Provide employees with appropriate communication device such as cellular or satellite telephones when traveling


Managers / Supervisors

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult or distressed clients.

Office of Informal Conflict Management

Harassment Prevention and Resolution

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training

Working Alone Guide

Working Alone Guide

National Occupational Health and Safety Office to maintain the guide.


Employees and managers are required to review the guide and implement its measures.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form ADM3061 Security Incident Report regarding any security incident that has taken place, for example persons who have been difficult, made threats, etc.

ADM3061 Security Incident Report

Corporate Security reviews and investigates, if needed.

ESDC encourages employees to complete the form LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report regarding any health and safety incident that has taken place.

LAB1070 Hazardous Occurrence Investigation Report

Investigations, forms and reports must be completed in collaboration with the Workplace Health and Safety Committee/Representative

ESDC encourages employees to seek help from the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) when they need support after being exposed to verbal violence/harassment.

Employee Assistance Program

Managers to ensure employees are informed that the EAP is there as a support mechanism

3.  Psychosocial Hazards – Cumulative Stress Hazards

  • a.  Exposure to clients in dire needs situations

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Minimal Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that exposure would occur with minimal consequence.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult and distressed clients.

Branch-specific training or generic training on dealing with difficult and distressed clients


Office of Informal Conflict Management


Employee Assistance Program

ESDC Peer Support Program

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Procedure on the escalation of dire need client files (when required).


Managers to inform employees of the procedure and the context for applying it.

  • b.  Repeatedly dealing with difficult, aggressive and stressed clients

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Minimal Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that exposure would occur with minimal consequence.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult and distressed clients.

Branch-specific training or generic training on dealing with difficult and distressed clients

Office of Informal Conflict Management


Employee Assistance Program

ESDC Peer Support Program

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

  • c.  Witnessing neglect or abuse during a client interaction or a visit to a client site

    Hazard Ranking = D (Unlikely Exposure x Minimal Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that exposure would occur with minimal consequence.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult and distressed clients.

Branch-specific training or generic training on dealing with difficult and distressed clients


Office of Informal Conflict Management


Employee Assistance Program

ESDC Peer Support Program

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Procedure on how to respond to and report these incidents.


Managers to inform employees of the procedure and the context for applying it.

  • d.  Exposure to clients threatening to commit suicide during interactions

    Hazard Ranking = D (Unlikely Exposure x Minimal Health Effect)

    Based on the fact that exposure would occur with minimal consequence.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Provide employees with web-based or classroom training on how to handle difficult and distressed clients.

Branch-specific training or generic training on dealing with difficult and distressed clients

Office of Informal Conflict Management


Employee Assistance Program

ESDC Peer Support Program

Managers to ensure employees are trained.

Employees are required to take training.

Procedure on how to respond to and report these incidents.

  Managers to inform employees of the procedure and the context for applying it.

4.  Confined Space Hazards (Sub-group B ONLY)

  1. Toxic Chemical / Gas
  2. Awkward Postures
  3. Mechanical / Electrical / Pneumatic / Hydraulic Hazards
  4. Explosion / Fire
  5. Engulfment
  6. Fall

Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

While employees in this HPG are not supposed to be entering confined spaces, we know they are. The rating is based on the seriousness of the health outcome should an accident occur. The rating would be lower if appropriate preventive measures were put in place.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Confined space awareness training to employees to ensure employees can recognize when a space is confined. Employees are never to enter a confined space.
If an employee is required to enter a confined space, he / she shall be provided with training and PPE with instructions and training on use.

Safe Work Procedures

Confined spaces - CCOHS

Training in chemical identification assessment and control

Labour Program Management

5.  Chemical Exposure (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  Asbestos and Silica

    Hazard Rating = B (Possible Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Although over exposure to silica and asbestos would be rare, it is possible. The rating is influenced by the seriousness of the health outcome due to exposure.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.

Health Canada – Health Risks of Asbestos

Safe Work Procedures

Training in chemical identification assessment and control

Labour Program Management
  • b.  Industrial Chemicals

    Hazard Ranking = B / C (Possible Exposure x Critical / Severe / Serious Health Effect)

    Although over exposure to industrial chemicals would be rare, it is possible. The range of health effects is great and cannot be determined without knowing what is present at the work site. As such, the rating is B / C.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.

Safe Work Procedures

Chemicals - CCOHS

Training in chemical identification assessment and control

Labour Program Management
  • c.  Welding fume

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Rating is based on the fact that over exposure to welding fume can cause acute reactions such as metal fume fever but may also lead to chronic illness because of the presence of heavy metals.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.

Safe Work Procedures

Labour Program Management
  • d.  Hydrogen Sulphide (i.e. release at a petrochemical facility)

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Rating is based on the fact that over exposure to welding fume can cause acute reactions such as metal fume fever but may also lead to chronic illness because of the presence of heavy metals.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use. Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
  • e.  Dust

    Hazard Ranking = C (Possible Exposure x Serious Effect)

    Exposure to dust is possible. The rating is influenced by the seriousness of the health outcome due to the unknown nature of the chemicals that may be contained in the dust.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use. Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management

6.  Mechanical Hazards (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  Struck by Heavy / Industrial Equipment

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Exposure is very common and the consequences of an accident are significant.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
High visibility vests will be provided Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
On-site client specific training and company escort where possible Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
Employees to refrain from entering areas where hazards exist, if not sufficiently protected Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
  • b.  Working Near Moving Parts (i.e. conveyors, etc.)

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    Exposure is very common and the consequences of an accident are significant. Moving parts are largely uncontrolled in Canadian workplaces based on our professional experience.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
High visibility vests will be provided Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
On-site client specific training and company escort where possible Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
Employees to refrain from entering areas where hazards exist, if not sufficiently protected Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management

7.  Radiation Exposure (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  UV Hazard – through work outdoors

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Exposure is common in this Sub-group B.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Employees to be provided sunscreen, sunglasses and hats Health Canada – It’s Your Health – UV Radiation from the Sun


Health Canada – Healthy Living – Sun Safety

Labour Program Management

8.  Gravitational Hazards (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  Struck By / Crushed By Falling Materials (i.e. shipping yards)

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use. Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
Protective footwear provided

Safe Work Procedures

Guidelines on Protective Footwear

Labour Program Management
Procedures to obtain information from clients regarding the client operation prior to touring the site including participation in on-site client specific training Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
  • b.  Working at Heights

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Employees reported working at heights and not being protected against falls.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use. Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
Training in ladder safety as well as harnesses / fall protection systems Ladder Safety Training Labour Program Management
Obtain information from clients regarding the client operation prior to touring the site including participation in on-site client specific training Safe Work Procedures Labour Program Management
  • c.  Falling at Ground Level – due to slippery surfaces, ice build-up, etc.

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe Health Effect)

    We know that falls occur at ESDC and the consequences can be significant.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Provision of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment and training on its use.

Guidelines on Protective Footwear

Labour Program Management
Procedures to obtain information from clients regarding the client operation prior to touring the site including participation in on-site client specific training

Safe Work Procedures

Guidelines on Protective Footwear


Labour Program Management

9.  Wildlife (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  Working in Nature / Outdoors Resulting in Potential Animal Encounters

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

    Although exposure would be rare, the consequences could be significant.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

First aid kit provided

First Aid Program Guide

Labour Program Management

Dangerous wild life training where required

If you encounter a bear

Labour Program Management

Bear Spray supplied where required


Labour Program Management

  • b.  Insect and Arachnid Bites / Stings

    Hazard Ranking = C (A / B)* (Likely Exposure x Minimal (Severe / Critical)* Health Effect)

    Exposure to insects is common in employees who work outdoors. In most cases the reaction to a sting or bite would be minimal.

    *People with allergic reactions could suffer severe / critical health effects.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
First aid kit provided First Aid Program Guide Labour Program Management
Insect repellent provided where required

Work Safely Around Stinging Insects

Health Canada – Lyme Disease

CCOHS– West Nile Virus

Labour Program Management

10.  Ergonomics

  • a.  Awkward Postures – due to prolonged standing or using make-shift desks

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe / Serious Health Effect)

    Based on assumption that the majority of employees in this HPG work only in an office environment where their workstation set up would be less than optimal.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Module III: Integrated Ergonomics Program

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Online Ergo Awareness Training

Dynamic Postures

Stretching Exercises

Managers / Supervisors
  • b.  Prolonged Sitting

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe / Serious Health Effect)

    Based on assumption that the majority of employees in this HPG work only in an office environment where their workstation set up would be less than optimal.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Module III: Integrated Ergonomics Program

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Online Ergo Awareness Training

Dynamic Postures

Stretching Exercises

Managers / Supervisors
  • c.  Material Handling

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Highly Likely Exposure x Severe / Serious Health Effect)

    Based on need to lift heavy objects/ materials as part of this HPG.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Training provided to employees who must manually lift or carry loads according to the Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 14.48 and 14.49.

Module III: Integrated Ergonomic Program

Online Ergo Awareness Training

Self-adjustment tools

Manual Materials Handling Training

Managers / Supervisors
  • d.  Noise (Sub-group B ONLY)

    Hazard Ranking = A (Highly Likely Exposure x Critical Health Effect)

    Noise exposure to levels exceeding 85dB is common in industrial/ hazardous environments.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility

Hearing Protection

Safe Work Procedures

Technical standards for personal protective equipment

Training on Hearing Protection

Labour Program Management

11.  Drowning (Sub-group B ONLY)

  • a.  Work Near / On Water

    Hazard Ranking = A / B (Likely Exposure x Critical / Severe Health Effect)

Approved floatation devices

Safe Work ProceduresLabour Program Management

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Client specific preventive measures where present   Managers / Supervisors
  • b.  Work Around / Process Chemicals / Lagoons, Etc.

    Hazard Ranking = B (Possible Exposure x Critical Health Effect)

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Client specific preventive measures where present   Managers / Supervisors

12.  Thermal Hazards

  • a.  Working in Extreme Temperatures Outdoors (Sub-group B ONLY)

    Hazard Ranking = C (Likely Exposure x Serious Health Effect)

    Exposure is common in this Sub-group B.

Preventive MeasuresResourcesResponsibility
Employees will be provided appropriate thermal clothing   Labour Program Management