Workplace Psychological Factors Awareness Campaign (WPFAC)

The National Standard

The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard) is a set of guidelines, tools and resources meant to guide organizations to promote mental health by positively affecting employee's psychological safety, participation and impact. It is comprised of 13 unique factors that, when they effectively coexist in the workplace, have the potential to prevent psychological harm.

Piecing Together the 13 Factors

The Standard's 13 factors are embedded in ESDC's workplace mental health programs and initiatives, but not all employees are able to recognize them.

The awareness campaign's goal is to educate and inform employees in an interesting and engaging way, to help them identify the factors of a psychologically healthy and safe workplace in their own place of work at ESDC.

13 Factors Puzzle activity

We've created the 13 Factors Puzzle as a tool to encourage managers and employees to get together to discuss the 13 factors of a healthy and safe workplace. Why not print it off (PDF, 198 KB) and review it at your next team meeting? The more people know, the more they're aware.

Click on the revealed (coloured) piece to gain access to information about the factor of the month, and previously revealed factors. You will also gain access to Workplace Mental Health activities, resources, and training.

Each month, we will reveal a new piece of the puzzle that will help create an image. Can you guess the hidden image?

puzzle Involvement and Influence (April) Balance (May) Organizational Culture (June) Growth and Development Clear Leadership and Expectations Psych. Protection & Protection of Physical Safety Workload Management Engagement Psychological Support Recognition and Reward Psychological Competencies Civility and Respect

  • "13 Factors Puzzle" – Long Description

    The Workplace Psychological Factors Awareness Campaign (WPFAC) is represented by a puzzle.

    Each puzzle piece represents a factor and a piece of puzzle will be revealed each month.

    The 13 factors are:

    Involvement and Influence (April):
    Employees are included in discussions about how their work is done and how important decisions are made. More about Involvement and Influence
    Balance (May):
    There is a recognition of the need for balance between the demands of work, family and personal life. More about Balance
    Organizational Culture (June):
    A work environment characterized by trust, honesty and fairness. More about Organizational Culture
    Civility and Respect (July):
    Employees are respected and considerate in their interactions in the workplace. More about Civility and Respect
    Clear Leadership and Expectations (February):
    Effective leadership and support that informs employees of impending changes and how their work contributes to the organization. More about Clear Leadership and Expectations
    Employees feel connected to their work and are motivated to do their jobs well.
    Growth and Development (November):
    Employees receive encouragement in the development of their interpersonal, emotional and job skills. More about Growth and Development
    Psych. Protection & Protection of Physical Safety (October):
    A work environment where employees' psychological safety is ensured, and where appropriate actions are in place to protect the physical safety of employees. More about Psychological Protection & Protection of Physical Safety
    Psychological Competencies and Requirements (January):
    There is a good fit between employees' interpersonal and emotional competencies and the requirements of the position they hold.
    Psychological Support (December):
    Coworkers and supervisors are supportive of employees' psychological and mental health concerns and respond appropriately, as needed. More about Psychological Support
    Recognition and Reward (August):
    Appropriate acknowledgement and appreciation of employees' efforts in a fair and timely manner. More about Recognition and Reward
    Workload Management (September):
    Tasks and achievements can be accomplished successfully within the time available. More about Workload Management

    Come back each month to find out which factor will be revealed. To learn more, visit the 13 factors of the Workplace Psychological Factors Awareness Campaign (WPFAC)