Danielle Champagne

Mental Health Workplace-based Peer Support Program. A healthy and respectful workplace. It's everyone's responsibility.

Peer Supporter Biography

Danielle Champagne

165 Hôtel-de-Ville, Phase II
Gatineau, Québec

Group and Level:
Labour Program
Work Environment:
Working in Policy or Program Area
Preferred method of Communication:
Lync, Email, Telephone

Peer Supporter Identifies As:

  • Woman
  • Employees with disabilities

Areas of Life Experience In Dealing With:

  • Conflicts at home or with other employees
  • Depression / Mental health difficulties
  • Sickness
  • Other: invisible illnesses

Brief Description of Life Experience related to Mental Health:

"But you don't look sick, it can't be that bad" and "Everybody worries, suck it up". It took me a while but today I can let go of the frustration I used to feel when I hear those types of comments, and in fact, I see it as another opportunity to bring awareness. I suppose my career has all been aligned with awareness. I have over 8 years of experience in Occupational Health and Safety and now I work with the Labour Standards unit and I feel right at home. Prior to this and having studied in the legal field, I worked with Justice preventing and fighting all sorts of crime. I have struggled with diagnosed mental health challenges for many years going through ups and downs. There was a time I would have never shared what I've been through but I finally opened up and to the "right person" and having someone say to me "I get it" made a positive impact on my life. My positive outlook has been tried and tested. I was recently diagnosed with more than 2 INVISIBLE chronic debilitating auto-immune diseases, and more! I've experienced first-hand what it is like to be judged because of what people can't see… and we all know that mental health challenges are not always visible. All of this was and still is a battle everyday however making that first step of talking to someone "who gets it" helped me find the right tools. Let me be your "right person" because "I get it".