Peer Support Program Steering Committee

Table of Contents

1.1 Background

It is estimated that one in six Canadians will develop a mental illness at some time in their lives. Many more individuals such as family, friends and colleagues are also affected.

As an organization, Employment and Skills Development Canada (ESDC) set to build a workplace that supports psychological health and safety and that encourages employees to speak openly about mental health concerns. In providing tools to support mental health, we create workplace that helps employees remain at work productively and reduces the negative impacts of mental health challenges, inside and outside of the workplace.

The Peer Support Program (PSP) is being set up to provide a social support program offered by ESDC staff (peer supporters) that complements traditional clinical support programs and relevant ESDC programs. ESDC peer supporters will be peers both through their work at ESDC as well as their lived experience with mental health challenges and recovery. This PSP will also result in raising the awareness of mental health issues and mental health recovery and lead to a reduction of the stigma many employees face.

Complementary programs at ESDC include: an Employee Assistance Program, a disability management / return to work program, and various employee networks such as Employees with Disabilities, Indigenous Employees, Pride (LGBTQ*), Visible Minorities, etc...

The PSP Steering Committee (PSP-SC) will ensure that all ESDC employees have a representative voice at the table as the program is designed, implemented, and throughout the on-going management and enhancement of the program. The SC will also work to ensure that the PSP is designed in a manner that maintains a grassroots approach and promotes its sustainability.

In summary - Steering Committee (SC) members:

  • Provide a range of perspective from across the organization
  • Bring a level of wisdom, corporate knowledge, and experience
  • Are able to advise what will work across the various groups of the organization, and/or more importantly, they know what does not work
  • Are well connected to the various ESDC structures within the organisation
  • Are ambassadors of the PSP, being visible and promoting the PSP
  • Have relevant and practical experience, and are passionate and committed to this initiative
  • Are committed to listening and respecting everyone’s input
  • Consider themselves to be equal with each other - No power differentials exist within the SC
  • Are change agents
  • Have hope

1.2 Mandate

The mandate of the PSP-SC is twofold:

  1. To provide advice and direction on the development, implementation and on-going enhancement of a PSP that is a grassroots program representing the needs of ALL employees, as well as meeting the requirements of the Mental Health Implementation Committee (MHIC, which reports to Portfolio Management Board) in order to ensure sustainability of the program.
  2. To support employee wellness by building awareness and understanding around the on-going needs, realities and issues facing employees with a mental health challenge or illness, and employees who have family membersFootnote 1 with a mental health challenge or illness; and to provide a forum for issues to be communicated and heard.

Members of the PSP-SC are asked to commit to serve for at least a two year period.

The ToR will be reviewed and adjusted, if necessary, at a minimum yearly, or as necessary.

1.3 Objectives and Responsibilities

The objectives of the PSP-SC are to:

  1. Develop policies and procedures that will promote trust in, and sustainability of, the program. For example, policies and procedures that:
    1. ensure confidentiality of peers and their peer support interactions; and
    2. protect peer supporters from legal or job-related harm due to the support they are providing as a volunteer for the program.
  2. Identify potential hurdles or systemic gaps in the implementation and on-going management of the PSP, and provide advice on how to overcome those obstacles or gaps.
  3. Advise on the selection and training processes of peer supporters to ensure that supporters are committed to the program for the right reason and are credible and seen to be credible in the eyes of others.
  4. Communicate and promote the program to foster trust and nurture support across all levels and functions of ESDC leading to acceptance of mental health conditions.
  5. Assist with coordination and program delivery, as required, throughout the implementation and on-going management of the PSP.
  6. Seek information on trends, best practices and research in the areas of mental health and social support programs in order to enhance the support services offered at ESDC.
  7. Monitor the program’s usage rates and user satisfaction to ensure continuous program improvements where relevant and possible.

1.4 Committee Composition

To achieve the mandate and objectives, it is important to have a wide representation of members on the committee including, but not limited to, members representing the following groups and/or areas of expertise. (One person may represent more than one of the recommended groups and/or areas of expertise.):

  1. Employees who have experienced a mental health challenge or illness;
  2. Employees who have experienced the impact of a family member or loved one with a mental health challenge or illness;
  3. Representation from a range of business lines, levels of employment and diversity including, but not limited to, front-line employees, supervisors/management, remote areas, corporate and enabling services, teleworkers, call centers;
  4. Representation from regions across Canada;
  5. Diversity groups
  6. Bargaining Agent(s);
  7. Human Resources;
  8. A peer supporter representative. Rotating seat on a yearly basis; and
  9. The Peer Support Program Manager (Not a voting member but will be present at all meetings).

1.5 Selection of the Chair, Deputy Chair and External Members

The Chair, Deputy Chair will be selected by the membership of the SC. The activities of the SC will be guided by the Chair.

External experts on peer support and mental health will be identified by the Chair or Program Manager and invited to inform continuous improvement of the program.

Other members may be added from time-to-time as appropriate. Membership may change over time, based on the work of the Steering Committee and the expertise required.

1.6 Role of the Chair and Committee Members

The responsibilities of the Chair include, but are not limited to:

  • Call and manage meetings; Insert graph for governance;
  • Support the program manager in deciding what needs to be brought to the Steering Committee for deliberation;
  • In collaboration with the PSP program manager, brief the MHIC on key recommendations following each SC meeting, and ensure follow up with SC members;
  • Drafting SC reports and recommendations as required for the MHIC.
  • Drafting an Annual Report for the PMB that outlines the activities, actions, advice provided, recommendations and status report relevant to the implementation and on-going enhancement plans for the PSP.
    • Provide input and review reports and recommendations whenever possible.
  • Follow up on action items.

The responsibilities of the Members include, but are not limited to:

  • Being prepared to review, comment on, and provide input to reports, documents, ESDC projects and initiatives and participate in activities such as focus groups if required;
  • Act as a conduit by communicating with employees of their area of expertise line of business in order to offer a better representation and insight relevant to their respective communities;
  • Be available to attend SC meetings four times a year (or more frequently if deemed necessary by the Chair);
  • Ambassador/champion for the program;
  • As applicable, participate in supporting operations as need be; and
  • Participate in peer supporter interview process

1.7 Accountability

The Chair of the SC and program manager will coordinate the work of the SC through, and report findings to MIHC.

The program manager will lead the implementation and the day to day operations and activities of the PSP. While not a member of the SC per se, the program manager will assist and support the Chair regarding SC activities.

1.8 Reporting and Decision Making

On a needs basis but at a minimum of quarterly progress reports.

Decisions, positions and recommendations will be captured in minutes of meetings.

Decisions, positions and recommendations of the SC will be made by consensus. When a consensus is not possible, alternate / external input will be sought. In rare or extreme situations, formal voting of the SC membership may be required.

In rendering formal advice to ESDC, all correspondence will be submitted by the Chair with the support of the program manager to MHIC.

1.9 Administrative Support

Administrative support such as draft agenda, arranging for meetings, facility accommodations, drafting discussion notes office and circulating to the membership will be provided by the program manager office.