Labour Program Union - Management Consultation Committee (LPUMCC)

Terms of Reference

Statement of Purpose

The Labour Program Union-Management Consultation Committee (LPUMCC) forum provides opportunity for meaningful consultation on human resources and operations policies and direction, and other relevant issues. Consultation is based on full and timely disclosure to the utmost possible extent, of contemplated actions by both parties. Such consultation ensures that the views of management and employee representatives are obtained and that careful consideration is given to these views when making decisions.

The intent is that the Committee will operate in a co-operative atmosphere in which employee representatives can express themselves freely and without fear of reprisal or apprehension that their individual relations with the Department may be affected by any statement made by them in good faith. Also, it is understood that the formal consultation process will not preclude ongoing communication between unions and management.

The LPUMCC will be guided by these Terms of Reference. In doing so, it will strive to promote the well-being and efficiency of employees/members to the end that the people of Canada will be well and efficiently served.


To provide a forum for consultation and frank exchange of ideas and information on policies, programs and procedures as they apply to members of each union who are employees of the Labour Program of ESDC.

To foster effective two-way communication and mutual understanding.

To communicate information and ensure meaningful consultation with respect to significant changes.

Discuss matters from regional and/or branch levels, only when such matters have already been discussed at the applicable regional and/or branch union-management committee prior to escalation.

Composition of the Committee

Unions and Management will appoint their own representatives to the Committee. The Union of National Employees - Public Service Alliance of Canada will be represented by three representatives excluding the Co-Chair, and the other unions will be represented by up to two representatives.

Union Co-Chair:

  • National President or Vice President of the UNE

Management Co-Chair:


  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Dispute Resolution & International Affairs (Labour Program)
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Compliance, Operations & Program Development (Labour Program)

Union Members:

  • Union of National Employees (UNE)
  • Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)
  • Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)

Management Members:

  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy, Dispute Resolution & International Affairs (Labour Program)
  • Assistant Deputy Minister, Compliance, Operations & Program Development (Labour Program)
  • Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE)
  • Director General, Strategic Integration and Governance Directorate
  • Director General, Regional Operations and Compliance Directorate
  • Director, Labour Relations (HRSB)
  • Manager, Workplace Management

Ex-Officio Member:

  • Deputy Minister, Labour Program

Other director generals may be invited to attend depending on the subject being discussed.

Additional participants such as presenters may be invited by Committee members to attend meetings for the purpose of providing advice or information relating to a specific item on the agenda. Parties will normally notify each other in advance that additional participants have been invited to the meeting. Guests may also be invited by Committee members to attend meetings on a case by case basis. The Committee member inviting a guest will have to notify the Secretariat in advance and provide a reason for the guest’s attendance at the meeting.

Management will approve leave according to the relevant Collective Agreement of employees who are participating to the meeting as a union member of the committee.

Frequency Of Meetings

The LPUMCC will host meetings three times a year. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the request of any of the parties.

Location And Time Of Meetings

Meetings will be held during regular working hours on the employer’s premises, at a date and time determined by mutual agreement of the Co-Chairs. Teleconference and/or videoconference arrangements will be made for representatives unable to attend the session in person. However, face-to-face meetings are preferable.

Secretariat Support

Secretariat support will be provided by Management. The Secretariat will prepare and distribute the agenda, distribute meeting materials and supporting documents, record minutes, arrange for translation and post/distribute the minutes (in both official languages), as approved by the Co-Chairs, within one month after the meeting. Every effort will be made to provide the meeting agenda (and supporting documentation, if available) at a minimum one week in advance of the meeting.

Committee Procedures

The meetings will be chaired by the Union Co-Chair and the Management Co-Chair on a rotational basis, and conducted in accordance with the Treasury Board Secretariat Official Languages Policy.

The agenda for the meeting will be drafted by the Co-Chairs and distributed along with any background materials in advance of the meeting for comments. Subject matters will encompass the range of human resources and operational activities that impact on the Department.

The LPUMCC may appoint joint sub-committees, as necessary, to assist in carrying out its functions. These sub-committees may be established in accordance with the co-development principles as outlined in the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act (PSLRA). All sub-committees will report back to the LPUMCC.

Guiding Principles

Open dialogue will be conducted in a respectful and professional manner without fear of reprisal. Each party recognizes the vital role of the other and is committed to invest the time and effort to encourage the sharing of information in this forum. Committee members will adhere to the principles of respect, trust, honesty, openness and partnership when interacting with one another.


These Terms of Reference may be amended by consensus of the Committee members and will be reviewed every two years.

This agreement will become effective on the date it is signed.