Rest Periods during Overtime


The purpose of this Labour Relations Bulletin is to ensure consistency in the application and compensation of rest periods when an employee works overtime.


Working Day (e.g. an employee’s regular working hours)

All collective agreements specify that the Employer will provide two (2) rest periods of fifteen (15) minutes per working day, except when operational requirements do not permit. Overtime is not considered part of the working day.

Application and Compensation of Rest Periods During Overtime

Rest periods during overtime must be authorized by management. These should be authorized keeping in mind mental health as well as the general health and safety of employees. Given that employee needs differ, management is encouraged to discuss rest period needs with the employees on an individual basis. A best practice is to grant a 15-minute rest period for every three consecutive hours of overtime.

Rest periods during overtime are not remunerated. The same principles apply when overtime is performed during a day of rest.

Key Take-Aways

It is recommended, for reasons of health, well-being and productivity, to grant a 15-minute non-remunerated rest period for every three consecutive hours of overtime. This principle should be applied for both overtime contiguous to the workday and overtime worked on a day of rest.