Computer Services (CS) New Collective Agreement (expiring December 21, 2021)


On February 26, 2021, the Treasury Board and the Professional Institute of Public Service of Canada signed a new collective agreement for the Computer Services Group (CS), which incorporates the provisions negotiated between the parties during bargainings.

All components unrelated to pay administration, except for the parental allowance, are in force on signature of the collective agreement. The parental allowance came into force on March 15, 2021.

Components related to pay administration will be implemented in accordance with the “Memorandum of Understanding Between the Treasury Board of Canada and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada With Respect to Implementation of the Collective Agreement”.

The purpose of this Labour Relations Bulletin is to summarize the key changes to the collective agreement.

The Key Changes


Three (3) years expiring on December 21, 2021.

Economic Increases

Effective December 22, 2018 – 2.0%

Effective December 22, 2019 – 2.0%

Effective December 22, 2020 – 1.5%

Wage Adjustment

Effective December 22, 2018 – 0.8%

Effective December 22, 2019 – 0.2%

Rates of Pay

Please refer to Appendix A of this document.

New and Updated Articles

New and Updated Articles


Article TitleDescription
Update Article 17: Other Leave With or Without Pay

Update to definition:

17.02 Leave without pay for the care of family

17.09 Leave with pay for family-related responsibilities

17.12 Bereavement leave with pay

Expansion of the definition of “family” to include a person that the employee considers to be a relative even though there is no degree of consanguinity between them.

With respect to this person, an employee shall be entitled to bereavement leave with pay only once in their career.

Leave Without Pay

17.04: Maternity Allowance

For the purpose of an employee’s return to work, the federal public administration is expanded to Schedule I, Schedule IV, or Schedule V of the Financial Administration Act.

17.06 and 17.07: Parental Leave without Pay and Parental Allowance

The introduction of an extended leave without pay period of up to sixty-three (63) consecutive weeks.

The extended leave period is available at a reduced parental allowance percentage top up of fifty-five decimal eight percent (55.8%). This ensures the overall allowance paid remains the same, regardless of whether the employee chooses the standard leave period (93% top up) or extended leave period (55.8% top up).

17.09: Compassionate Care Leave

Compassionate care leave is renamed “Caregiving Leave” and provides detailed timelines for compassionate care and caregiving leave without pay.

New Article 17: Other Leave With or Without Pay Domestic Violence Leave Provisions providing for up to seventy-five (75) hours of leave with pay for an employee who is subject to domestic violence or who is the parent of a dependent child subject to domestic violence.
Update Appendix E: Workforce Adjustment Clarifications to the provisions on voluntary programs.
Update Appendix F: Memorandum of Understanding – Occupational Group Structure Review and Classification Reform

A revised Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the progress made by the parties on this initiative to date.

Update Appendix I: Memorandum of Understanding – Contracting Out

An extension to the guideline development timeline to December 2021.

New Memorandum of understanding – Leave for Union Business: Cost Recovery

Leave can now be approved for cumulative periods of up to six (6) months in total in a fiscal year. The reimbursement rate is higher when the leave period exceeds three (3) Months in a fiscal year.

The terms of the Memorandum of Understanding will expire on September 30, 2022, or upon implementation of the Next Generation HR and Pay system, whichever comes first, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

Update Appendix K: Memorandum of Understanding on Supporting Employee Wellness The Memorandum of Understanding on Employee Wellness is renewed and updated.
New Memorandum of Agreement – Gender Inclusive Language The Employer has agreed to establish a joint committee to review collective agreements to identify opportunities to render the language more gender inclusive.
New Memorandum of Agreement – Common Pay Administration The Employer is committing to continuing consultation with PIPSC at the Joint Union- Management Committee with respect to the development of a Next Generation HR and Pay system.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Employees will have access to an additional paternity/parental sharing leave with allowance to align with changes to Employment Insurance benefits and the Quebec Parental Insurance Plan.
  • Expansion of the definition of “family” for leave without pay for the care of family; leave with pay for family-related responsibilities; and, bereavement leave with pay to include a person that the employee considers to be a relative even though there is no degree of consanguinity between them.
  • Introduction of paid leave (655) for an employee who is subject to domestic violence or who is the parent of a child subject to domestic violence.
  • New MOU on Leave for union business where the leave can now be approved for cumulative periods of up to six (6) months in total in a fiscal year. However, the reimbursement rate is higher when the leave period exceeds three (3) months in a fiscal year.

Appendix “A”

CS: Computer Systems Group annual rates of pay (in dollars)

Table Legend

  • $) Effective
  • X) Effective
  • A) Effective
  • Y) Effective
  • B) Effective
  • C) Effective
CS-01: annual rates of pay (in dollars)
Effective DateStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8
$) 56,907 59,011 61,111 63,200 65,288 67,375 69,461 73,333
X) 57,362 59,483 61,600 63,706 65,810 67,914 70,017 73,920
A) 58,509 60,673 62,832 64,980 67,126 69,272 71,417 75,398
Y) 58,626 60,794 62,958 65,110 67,260 69,411 71,560 75,549
B) 59,799 62,010 64,217 66,412 68,605 70,799 72,991 77,060
C) 60,696 62,940 65,180 67,408 69,634 71,861 74,086 78,216

Rates of pay will change within 180 days after the signing of the collective agreement. In accordance with Appendix “L,” for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments:

  1. Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  2. Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  3. Year 3: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 and 2 increases plus a 1.5% economic increase for a compounded total of 6.658%. The revised pay rate will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases.
CS‑02: annual rates of pay (in dollars)
Effective DateStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8
$) 70,439 72,694 74,947 77,199 79,455 81,706 83,960 86,213
X) 71,003 73,276 75,547 77,817 80,091 82,360 84,632 86,903
A) 72,423 74,742 77,058 79,373 81,693 84,007 86,325 88,641
Y) 72,568 74,891 77,212 79,532 81,856 84,175 86,498 88,818
B) 74,019 76,389 78,756 81,123 83,493 85,859 88,228 90,594
C) 75,129 77,535 79,937 82,340 84,745 87,147 89,551 91,953
Rates of pay will change within 180 days after the signing of the collective agreement. In accordance with Appendix “L,” for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments:
  1. Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  2. Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  3. Year 3: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 and 2 increases plus a 1.5% economic increase for a compounded total of 6.658%. The revised pay rate will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases.
CS‑03: annual rates of pay (in dollars)
Effective DateStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8
$) 83,147 86,010 88,874 91,740 94,602 97,462 100,325 103,304
X) 83,812 86,698 89,585 92,474 95,359 98,242 101,128 104,130
A) 85,488 88,432 91,377 94,323 97,266 100,207 103,151 106,213
Y) 85,659 88,609 91,560 94,512 97,461 100,407 103,357 106,425
B) 87,372 90,381 93,391 96,402 99,410 102,415 105,424 108,554
C) 88,683 91,737 94,792 97,848 100,901 103,951 107,005 110,182
Rates of pay will change within 180 days after the signing of the collective agreement. In accordance with Appendix “L,” for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments:
  1. Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  2. Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  3. Year 3: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 and 2 increases plus a 1.5% economic increase for a compounded total of 6.658%. The revised pay rate will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases.
CS‑04: annual rates of pay (in dollars)
Effective DateStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8
$) 95,201 98,485 101,766 105,050 108,331 111,613 114,896 118,499
X) 95,963 99,273 102,580 105,890 109,198 112,506 115,815 119,447
A) 97,882 101,258 104,632 108,008 111,382 114,756 118,131 121,836
Y) 98,078 101,461 104,841 108,224 111,605 114,986 118,367 122,080
B) 100,040 103,490 106,938 110,388 113,837 117,286 120,734 124,522
C) 101,541 105,042 108,542 112,044 115,545 119,045 122,545 126,390
Rates of pay will change within 180 days after the signing of the collective agreement. In accordance with Appendix “L,” for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments:
  1. Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  2. Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  3. Year 3: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 and 2 increases plus a 1.5% economic increase for a compounded total of 6.658%. The revised pay rate will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases.
CS‑05: annual rates of pay (in dollars)
Effective DateStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4Step 5Step 6Step 7Step 8Step 9
$) 108,528 112,574 116,618 120,665 124,712 128,759 132,807 136,852 141,426
X) 109,396 113,475 117,551 121,630 125,710 129,789 133,869 137,947 142,557
A) 111,584 115,745 119,902 124,063 128,224 132,385 136,546 140,706 145,408
Y) 111,807 115,976 120,142 124,311 128,480 132,650 136,819 140,987 145,699
B) 114,043 118,296 122,545 126,797 131,050 135,303 139,555 143,807 148,613
C) 115,754 120,070 124,383 128,699 133,016 137,333 141,648 145,964 150,842
Rates of pay will change within 180 days after the signing of the collective agreement. In accordance with Appendix “L,” for the period prior to the salary change, retroactive amounts owed resulting from rate changes will be paid as lump-sum payments:
  1. Year 1: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to a 2% economic increase and 0.8% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 2.816%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  2. Year 2: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 increases plus a 2% economic increase and a 0.2% wage adjustment for a compounded total of 5.082%. Changes to the pay rates will not appear on employees’ pay statements.
  3. Year 3: Retroactive lump-sum payment equal to year 1 and 2 increases plus a 1.5% economic increase for a compounded total of 6.658%. The revised pay rate will be reflected on the employee’s pay statements upon implementation of prospective salary increases.