Guidelines and procedures to submit an article for the HR info RH bulletin

Follow these guidelines and procedures to submit an article to be published in the HR info RH bulletin.

Considerations to prepare and draft your article

  • If you have an idea for an article, first check with the HRSB's Strategic Internal Communications team regarding publishing dates and topic relevancy. Provide as much context as possible (e.g. new legislation/policy coming into effect; addressing a complaint filed recently; event occurring at certain time of year, etc.).
  • The content should be relevant, current and concise.
  • Your article should answer the "five Ws": What? Why? Who? When? Where?
  • You should include hyperlinks to relevant information, inserted in the title of the Web page it links to, e.g. The Human Resources Services Branch web site contains interesting HR-related information for employees of the Department .
  • Deadlines: Article due to HRSB's Strategic Internal Communications in English and French two weeks prior to publication date. For more information. please reference the schedule.

Procedure to have your article published

  • First step, please share the article with HRSB's Strategic Internal Communications for review and edits prior to sending to your Director, Director General or to the Assistant Deputy Minister's Office (ADMO), depending on the nature of the message, for approval.
  • Once we receive your draft, we will first review the English and French from a communications lens (i.e. tone, flow, plain and simple language, syntax, grammar and spelling). We will also conduct a comparative review of the French and English versions for accuracy.
  • We will then return the edited text to the subject lead to coordinate translation (if not already translated) and to coordinate approval. Of note: ideally, a professional translator should translate it.
  • Once approved at the Director level, please return the final EN and FR article to HRSB's Strategic Internal Communications for inclusion in the specified edition.
  • Of note: The Strategic Internal Communications team is made up of professional communications advisors with a unique sets of skills and backgrounds. Our focus is on making your message interesting, relevant and aligned with the branch and department's priorities. To achieve this, we work with communications advisors from the Public Affairs and Stakeholder Relations Branch, as well as our management within our own directorate and branch to fine-tune messages.