HR info RH Bulletin


Week of February 22, 2021


This image represents the visual identity of The Student Network.

Student Employment

From ESDC's Student Network:

Are you looking to invest today in the workforce of tomorrow? It's time to start thinking about your student hiring or re-hiring needs for this summer session starting soon.

What type of work do you have to offer? Keep in mind that work assigned to students should:

  • Be meaningful, interesting and challenging.
  • Allow them to share ideas and propose solutions.
  • Last for the duration of their employment.

Which student program best meets your needs?

Don't forget…

To ensure that you receive the letter of offer well in advance of the start date, submit your request at least five (5) weeks in advance to the Human Resources Service Centre (HRSC).

In order to avoid any issues with the Pay Centre, the signed letter of offer must be sent to the HRSC at least three weeks (15 working days) prior to their start date.

For additional information on student programs, visit the Student Employment page. 

For additional information on student programs, visit the Student Employment page. For any advice and guidance, please consult your Human Resources Advisor by submitting a request through the Human Resources Service Centre.  

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This image represents an individual working on their laptop.

Labour Relations Information Bulletin on Leave for Other Reasons and Time off with Pay

As managers, you know that collective agreements and the Treasury Board Secretariat's (TBS) policies and directives provide options for Leave with or without Pay for Other Reasons and Time off Work with Pay.

Although normally associated with absences due to inclement weather, as described in the Guidelines on Reporting to Work during Inclement Weather, the employer may also grant Leave with or without Pay for Other Reasons and/or Time off with Pay for reasons such as voting, attending medical or dental appointments, or for religious observance.

The Labour Relations Information Bulletin on Leave for Other Reasons and Time off with Pay explains when the different leave options may be granted, and will help ensure that a consistent approach is used to manage absences in the department. In the context of COVID-19, managers should read the Labour Relations Information Bulletin in conjunction with the Practical Guide on the Use of Leave With Pay for Other Reasons (699).

Managers should contact Labour Relations through the Human Resources Service Centre if they are unsure whether or not Leave with or without Pay for Other Reasons or Time Off with Pay may be granted.

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This image represents the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing sessions for managers.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions for Managers!

"This was the best two hours I have spent in years. Every manager at ESDC should attend this session." Comment received from a manager, following a Mental Health and Wellbeing session.

As we tackle a second wave of COVID-19, mental health is at the forefront of many discussions for ESDC's managers and their employees. As a result, the Human Resources Services Branch (HRSB) is offering short, focused and live virtual sessions over the next few months to support managers, and in turn, their employees, in coping with work and life changes. These sessions will help managers connect with peers to share common experiences, and are in addition to HRSB's Services to Assist You.

There are various sessions and dates throughout February and March. Of note, the following sessions are available throughout the week of February 22:

  • A Wellbeing Check-in
  • A group discussion on managing challenging workplace issues
  • Tips for facilitating productive conversations
  • Strategies for building a culture of trust
  • Group coaching for managers on mental health

To register, and for more information on these sessions, managers are encouraged to check out the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions for Managers infographic or visit the Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Sessions iService page.

Managers are encouraged to reach out to HRSB’s Mental Health team if they have additional questions. 

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This image represents an individual in a virtual meeting

Videoconferencing or interviewing candidates? Make sure to use ESDC's virtual staffing backdrop for Teams!

Managers are encouraged to use the staffing backdrop to promote our department as an employer of choice during interviews, virtual recruitment activities or when attending a meeting.

 The background is available for download on iService, under ‘Staffing’. You will also find the instructions to download and use the backdrop.

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This image represents an individual working on their laptop.

Health and Safety Info for Managers

Are you managing employees that are working remotely or in the office? Are you managing employees who are serving Canadians? Be sure to reference the Toolkit for Managers and the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Hub page on iService.

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