Recognition (September 2018)

Employee Pulse Survey - You told us we listened

Recognition (September 2018)
Long Description

Preferred Form of Recognition

  • 53% A simple thank you (in person, email, note)
  • 2% Formal awards
  • 6% Peer recognition
  • 37% All of the above
  • 3% Don’t require recognition
  • 75% Recognized in the last three months
  • 48% Received recognition from management

Tracking Questions

  • 95% committed to ESDC’s success.
  • 89% proud to work here.
  • 80% feel engaged at work.
  • 76% satisfied with the quality of their supervision.
  • 72% Receive praise when they feel they deserve it.

Ways to Improve Employee Recognition

  • Recognize daily efforts, share credit.
  • Do it consistently.
  • Make it timely, simple, and genuine.
  • Employees recognized with talent management and career development opportunities.

6044 employees participated.