What about apologies?

Know that it is possible to make mistakes, no one is perfect. The important thing is to remedy the situation and put in place solutions so that it doesn't happen again. If you feel uncomfortable with a comment, remark or joke that you made or if a co-worker or manager tells you that one of your actions was not appreciated, the situation may be resolved by offering sincere apologies.

How to make a sincere apology

Clearly and specifically state what you have done wrong

The apology will be all the more sincere, since you will have taken the time in the eyes of the other person to understand how he or she feels in the situation. Plus, this shows that you are not only making an apology to get the task out of the way.

Say the words "I'm sorry"

Saying these words sends a signal to the other person that you are ready to openly discuss what went wrong and will also demonstrate humility.

Avoid "ifs" and "buts"

The words "I'm sorry if..." implies that you are only sorry about how the other person is feeling, and not about your actions.  The words "I'm sorry but..." will have the effect of completely erasing your apology and instead will turn into a string of justifications.

Don't try to justify yourself

We all have explanations for what we have said or done, but justifications cast a shadow over the main objective of the discussion: apologizing.

Forgive yourself (even if the other person doesn't forgive you)

You cannot control how the other person will react. Understanding why you acted in that way and forgiving yourself will help you to move on.

Make a change

Actions speak louder than words. Acting accordingly will prove that you meant what you said when you apologized.

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