Employment And Social Development Canada Workforce Management Committee
Terms Of Reference

(Updated: February 2019)


The Employment and Social Development Canada Workforce Management Committee (ESDC-WMC) provides strategic leadership and oversight on key issues impacting the effective management of the executive cadre within Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), including but not limited to:

  • Ensuring the Department's capacity to attract, hire and retain top executive talent;
  • Ensuring that the Department's executive cadre is diverse and representative;
  • Ensuring the alignment of leadership development investments made by the Department for executives with workforce and succession planning objectives;
  • Ensuring that the talent management and performance management of executives is managed in an equitable, consistent, and transparent manner; and
  • Ensuring that executive talent is managed in a manner which supports both executives' aspirations and leadership potential and enables the Department to deliver on core business priorities and transformational business objectives.

ESDC-WMC may also discuss key people management subjects which are horizontal in nature and which impact the broader ESDC portfolio.

Governance and Membership:

The Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources Services Branch will serve as the Chairperson of the Employment and Social Development Canada Workforce Management Committee (ESDC-WMC).

The members will be composed of all ESDC Assistant Deputy Ministers, Service Canada Assistant Deputy Ministers, Labour Program Assistant Deputy Ministers, the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Minister, the Corporate Secretary, the Senior General Counsel, Legal Services and the Chief Audit Executive. Only Associate Assistant Deputy Ministers may serve as alternates.

The Executive Director, Executive Group Services, Human Resources Services Branch will serve in an advisory role and the Assistant Director, Executive Group Resourcing will provide secretariat support to the Committee.

Frequency of Meetings:

ESDC-WMC will meet every two weeks. Ad-hoc meetings and the decision to seek secretariat approvals for certain staffing actions may also occur as required and at the discretion of the Chairperson.

In addition, ESDC-WMC members will meet at least twice per year to have focused discussions on the talent management of ESDC's executive cadre, and to review and calibrate proposed ratings as part of the Performance Management Program for Executives. These meetings will be chaired by the Deputy Minister.

Items Requiring ESDC-WMC Approval:

  • All internal and external non-advertised appointments;
  • Requests for hiring against EX special project positions;
  • Interchange Canada assignments.

Items Requiring ESDC-WMC Recommendation for DM Approval:

  • Bilingual non-imperative appointments;
  • EX special deployments;
  • Acting appointments of 12 months or more.

Items to be Presented to ESDC-WMC For Information Only:

  • Requests to initiate new advertised selection processes;
  • All deployments between branches and from outside the Department;
  • All indeterminate appointments from EX pools;
  • Extensions of validity period for EX pools.

Records of Decision:

A Record of Decision of ESDC-WMC will be documented and approved by the Assistant Deputy Minister of HRSB and provided to members and Deputy Ministers following each meeting.