LGBTQ2+ definitions

The LGBTQ2+ community is diverse and evolving, as are the terms people use to describe themselves and their community.

The list of definitions below is ever-evolving and may be updated as vocabulary changes and new terms emerge.


L stands for Lesbian: a woman who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to other women.

G stands for Gay: A person who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to people of their same sex or gender identity. Traditionally this identity was reserved for men, but it has been adopted by people of all gender identities.

B stands for Bisexual: (sexual orientation) the romantic and/or sexual attraction to your own and other genders.

T stands for Transgender: Both a specific gender identity and an umbrella term for a person whose gender identity does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth.

Q stands for Queer:  An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or cisgender. Some people may have strong negative reactions to the term, however during the 1990s it was reclaimed and is often used by the community as a shorthand to describe the LGBTQ2+ community, e.g. ''the queer community''.

2 stands for Two Spirit: An umbrella term for various culturally specific identities amongst North American indigenous peoples that encompasses a wide range of sexual orientations and gender identities that are not exclusively heterosexual and/or cisgender. Some Indigenous groups may have their own terms that they use or have reclaimed to describe their traditional, pre-colonial sexual orientations and gender identities. Not all Two Spirit people identify as queer and/or transgender.

The + is used to denote greater diversity. The acronym is not meant to be exhaustive, the community is diverse and evolving thus some definitions may be missed in this list.


I stands for Intersex: A person who is born with any of several variations in primary or secondary sex characteristics, including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies. Intersex is not interchangeable with transgender, although some intersex individuals may consider themselves transgender and/or undergo social and/or surgical gender affirming transition stages.

A stands for Asexual: (sexual orientation) A person who does not experience (or experiences very little) sexual attraction or interest sexual activity. Asexual people may still have a partner (or partners) for different aspects of their lives. People who experience minimal and/or situational sexual attraction may use the prefix "demi" as in demi-sexual. May be abbreviated as "Ace" (English only).

A stands for Agender: (gender identity) A person who either feels like they have no gender, or do not identify as a man, woman or non-binary person, and/or who has a gender that they describe as neutral, and therefore may not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth. Agender can also be viewed as an umbrella term for those without a gender or gender identity, and also falls under the greater transgender umbrella. It is important to note that not all agender people identify themselves as transgender. Some of these identities can include: gendervoid, neutrois, null gender, genderless, etc.

G stands for Gender Queer: (gender identity) A person who is not exclusively masculine or feminine—which are outside the gender binary and cisnormativity. Note: Not all genderqueer people identify as transgender. Historically, an older term for "non-binary".

G stands for Gender Fluid: A person whose gender identity is not fixed. Those who identify as gender fluid may feel a mix of various genders simultaneously, or more masculine on some days, more feminine, or more androgynous on other days. Further still, some people who identify as gender fluid may have a gender that varies over longer periods of time.

N stands for Non-Binary: (gender identity) Primarily under the trans umbrella which may include elements of masculinity, femininity, androgynous, fluid, multiple and even no gender as well as a general term to refer to gender identities that fall outside of the masculine/feminine binary. Not all non-binary people identify as transgender. May be abbreviated to "enby" however it is best to ask a non-binary person if they wish to be referred to as such, since the term can be seen as infantilizing.

P stands for Pansexual: (sexual orientation) romantic or sexual attraction regardless of gender.

Q stands for Questioning: A person who is uncertain about their sexual orientation and/or gender; this can be brief or long-lasting.