Personal Pronouns

Pronouns in email signatures show how the email sender identifies them self and how they would like to be referred. Using pronouns in email signatures can send a message that you are inclusive of everyone and it acknowledges gender diversity. If you are comfortable with sharing your pronouns in your e-mail signature, adding them can also help normalize the practice of promoting one’s pronouns.

Why include your pronouns in your e-mail signatures?

Including your pronouns in your e-mail signature is a small way to support individuals with diverse gender identities and gender expressions. Also, so individuals aren’t misgendered and their identity is respected by the people in their workplace. By adopting this practice, you can contribute to a more inclusive and safe workplace for all. Sharing your pronouns in your e-mail signature can help make employees with diverse gender identities more comfortable in identifying their pronouns.

It’s your choice!

Putting your pronouns in your e-mail signature shows each person’s gender identity is valid and deserving of respect. Yet respecting people also involves understanding that gender pronouns are sensitive information for some people and that some will not be comfortable disclosing their pronouns in their e-mail signature. We need to respect people’s choice to disclose or not disclose sensitive information about their personal identity. Pronoun sharing must be optional, not mandatory. Attaching your pronouns to your e-mail signature is voluntary and you should not feel pressured to do so.

Common pronouns

The most common pronouns are:

  • He/Him/His
  • She/Her/Hers
  • They/Them/Theirs

Other Newer (neo-pronouns) include

  • ze, hir, hirs pronounced zhee, zheer, heers
  • ze, zir, zirs pronounced zhee, zheer, zheers
  • xe, xem, xyr pronunced zhee, zhem, zheer

Please note that the above is not a complete list of neo-pronouns.

Example of a signature block using pronouns

Chris Doe
(Lel/Ellui/San) (They/Them/Theirs)
Agent des services de programme
Traitement des pensions – Service Canada
Emploi et Développement social Canada - Gouvernement du Canada /Tel : 555 555-5555

Program Services Officer
Pension Processing – Service Canada
Employment and Social Development Canada - Government of Canada /Tel : 555 555-5555

For more information on email signature blocks, you can refer to Appendix E of the Policies, directives, standards and guideline of the Government of Canada from Treasury Board website.