Process For Deputy Head Directed Classification Decisions


In unique and exceptional circumstances where there is no clear and obvious fit with classification standards, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS), Directive on Classification, provides that deputy heads are authorized to approve classification decisions that may not be aligned with departmental or inter-departmental relativity.

The TBS, Directive on Classification, also requires that a formal process be established within each department for the authorization, tracking, documenting and reporting of classification decisions approved directly by the deputy head. This process is distinct from the Classification Impasse Resolution Process.


The process for deputy head-directed classification decisions can only be applied after the Organizational Design and Classification Centre of Expertise (ODCCE) has determined that a particular situation is unique and, falls under exceptional circumstances. There must be a lack of a clear and obvious fit with classification standards or alignment with current departmental or inter-departmental relativity.

This process does not apply to EX positions, which require the approval of the Deputy Minister to create.


The following requirements apply to classification decisions authorized under this authority:

  • Authority may only be applied for the creation of a new position;
  • Position may not be used for relativity purposes;
  • Position may not be cloned or replicated within or outside of the organization;
  • Position can only be staffed once and, must be abolished when it becomes vacant.

The application of a directed classification decision is applied on a case-by-case basis. This authority may not be sub-delegated by the Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC).


The following process should be followed to seek the approval of the Deputy Minister, ESDC, for a deputy-directed classification decision:

  • Once the circumstances have been evaluated by ODCCE and determined to be unique and exceptional, a briefing note will be prepared to seek the Deputy Minister’s approval of the classification decision.
  • The briefing note will include:
    1. A business case/justification for the position creation, is prepared by the sponsoring branch/region, and approved by the responsible Assistant Deputy Minister. It must present sufficient information to explain why the use of the deputy directed classification authority is warranted
    2. An ODCCE assessment (job evaluation, inter- and intra-departmental relativity) of the position.
  • Upon approval from the Deputy Minister, the briefing note package is returned to the ODCCE for processing and the Organizational Design Classification Advisor ensures that PeopleSoft is updated with the following information:
    1. Deputy Minister’s classification accreditation number is used to authorize the action
    2. Job code indicates the job description type as, “Non-Shareable”
    3. Position status is specified as, “Frozen”
    4. Position remarks indicate that it is “Frozen due to a Deputy Head-Directed Decision”; specifies the briefing note number; and, indicates that it is to be abolished once vacant.
  • A copy of the approved briefing note must be kept on the position file. The position file documentation must also clearly indicate that the position cannot be replicated or used for relativity purposes and, that the position must be abolished once vacant.


All classification decisions approved under a deputy head-directed authority are reported to the TBS through the biennial monitoring report. Statistics from Departments across the government of Canada are shared and compared online through the TBS, Classification Monitoring Aggregate Report.

The positions created through this process are to be abolished once vacant. Positions will be monitored and tracked to ensure departmental compliance with the ESDC, Organizational Design and Classification, Directive on Position Management and supporting processes. If and when necessary, corrective action will be implemented to address key findings and overcome organizational challenges.


Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Directive on Classification Oversight

Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Directive on Classification, Appendix J - Deputy Head Directed Classification Decisions

Employment and Social Development Canada, Process to Freeze and Unfreeze of Positions

Employment and Social Development Canada, Table of Human Resources Authorities


Director of Organizational Design and Classification Centre of Expertise (ODCCE) Human Resources Services Branch.