Terms and Conditions of Employment

The Policy on Terms and Conditions of Employment is the regulation that guides the management of human resources. The terms and conditions of employment are set out in the relevant Collective Agreements as well as supplemented in the Directive on Terms and Conditions of Employment and other relevant policy instruments.

Here are links to the various Terms and Conditions of Employment based on your employment status:

Policy on Terms and Conditions of Employment

Terms and Conditions of Employment for Students

Term Employment Policy

Terms and Conditions of Employment for Full-Time Governor in Council Appointees

Directive on Executive Compensation

Policies and Guidelines for Ministers’ Offices

Notice: The content of this site is provided for information purposes only and is not a legal document establishing your rights and/or obligations. In the event of a discrepancy with the Public Service Superannuation Act, Public Service Superannuation Regulations, or any other relevant legislation, the legislative provisions shall take precedence.