Determining Eligibility for Leave

3-month rule

An employee is accorded the benefits of collective bargaining once a contractual agreement is signed that ensures at least three months of employment or an existing agreement is extended to reach a cumulative of three months or more of continuous employment.

Eligibility - Examples:

  1. Initial appointment - 3 months or more

    First contract - April 1 to July 31

    The employee becomes eligible for paid leave immediately upon appointment (April 1) since initial contract provides for at least three months of employment.

  2. Initial appointment - under 3 months

    First contract - April 1 to May 31
    Second contract - June 1 to August 31

    The employee becomes eligible for paid leave on June 1, since the second contract results in a total period of employment exceeding three months.

  3. Initial appointment – under 3 months and extension less than 3 months

    First contract - April 1 to May 31
    Second contract - June 1 to July 31

    The employee becomes eligible for paid leave on July 1, since the employee has reached at this date three months of continuous employment.

Notice: The content of this site is provided for information purposes only and is not a legal document establishing your rights and/or obligations. In the event of a discrepancy with the Public Service Superannuation Act, Public Service Superannuation Regulations, or any other relevant legislation, the legislative provisions shall take precedence.