Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB)

Procurement Bulletin 2015-5 - July 2015

The Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business (PSAB) is a policy designed to stimulate Aboriginal development and increase Aboriginal business participation through a program of mandatory and selective set-asides, and supplier development activities as approved by cabinet.

As a federal department with a budget over $ 1M, under the financial Administration act we are required to develop a Procurement Strategy for Aboriginal Business and set targets. This year’s target is to award 35 contracts to aboriginal businesses, at a total contract value of $ 3M.

We are already well on our way to achieving our target, to further strengthen our departmental PSAB performance, attached you will find a list of Standing offers (SOA) and supply arrangement (SA) that have aboriginal suppliers for commonly purchased commodities. 

Please use the list of aboriginal suppliers for your and consideration when purchasing the common commodities indicated therein.

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  1. Contracting & Procurement