Server Side Includes

Server Side Includes allow a common element to be used in several pages without repeating the code. This method increases consistency and efficiency in the content when it's used repeatedly because there is only one source.

The largest use of includes on iService are the left menus. Another use is for these expand all and collapse all buttons.

The code for the include is saved in a file with the html extension. Save the file in the docs area of TeamSite in a folder that has the same heirarchy as the page where it is intended to be called from. The same way we put PDFs in the docs folder and graphics in the images folder, save your include file in an html folder. There are common folders that are used as well like with these expand/collapse buttons. <!--#include virtual="/includes/sp-es_prv/wet4/en/expand_bttns_only_EN.html" -->

The Information Categorization Tool also uses includes. for example: <!--#include virtual="/eng/is/security/classification/html/pA.html" -->

With the include file saved on the server, place a bit of code that calls the file into your page where you want the code to appear. <!--#include virtual="/eng/support/html/my-include.html" -->