Priority Links

Priority links are used in the IntraWeb search engine to force index pages to appear in a panel box at the top of the IntraWeb page, using frequent keywords associated with them.

Content Approver

Content Approver

Instructions on How to Submit your Request :

To submit a request to add an index page and keywords to the IntraWeb search engine as a Priority Link, you must provide the Content Design Team at : with the following information in both official languages:

Your Request Must Include :

  • A table in a Word or Excel document (English and French final version) :
    • Column 1: The URL of the index page only (not a subpage or a document)
    • Column 2: Title of the index page (main title)
    • Column 3: Keywords/acronyms (separated by comma)

Example :


IntraWeb Search Results for Official Languages and Work Place Mental Health
URL of the index pageTitle of the Index pageKeywords/Acronyms (separate by comma)
Official Languages Official Languages Official Language, Official languages, OL, Language of work
Workplace Mental Health Workplace Mental Health PSP, Mental, WMH, Peer Support, Manager to Manager, M2M


IntraWeb Search Results for Official Languages and Work Place Mental Health
URL de la page d’indexTitre de la page indexMots-clés/Acronymes (séparés par une virgule)
Langues officielles Langues officielles Langue officielle, Langues officielles, LO, langue de travail
La santé mentale en milieu de travail La santé mentale en milieu de travail Mentale, Programme de soutien par les pairs, PSP, Réseau Gestionnaires à Gestionnaires, GàG, GaG
Content Publisher

Content Publisher

When creating or renaming an index page, and when adding a service or a function to which a keyword would be attached, or that users could use to do a search, the Content Publisher may inform the Service Design team by email by providing the links and a brief description.

The Design Team is responsible to open a ticket with TeamSite to have these links and keywords updated.