Learning never stops: Exploring, learning & doing our best for Canadians

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Edition #9

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Working from home without access to the departmental network?

Have no fear, eLearning@ESDC is here!

A variety of eLearning options are available to help you build a solid foundation for your career as a public servant.

New learning recommendations every week!


No matter whether you are working on or off the departmental network, have no fear because eLearning@ESDC is here!

During these challenging and uncertain times, you can rely on this weekly learning newsletter to connect ESDC learners—like you!—with meaningful learning.

Every stable house sits on a solid foundation. In the same way, ESDC employees need to have a solid knowledge base. ESDC’s Mandatory Training Curricula is a combination of courses—organized by audience—that give you the knowledge you need to do your job safely and efficiently.

You can build your career, both as a public servant and as a member of our ESDC community, upon this solid foundation!

To ensure that every employee is equipped with the knowledge they need, this week’s edition of eLearning@ESDC is dedicated to ESDC Mandatory Training.


Did You Know?

  • Once hired at ESDC, you have a full 365 calendar days to complete your mandatory training curriculum. That’s a total of 8,760 hours to complete between 19 hours (employees) and 48.5 hours (managers with financial and staffing delegation) of training. Doable, right?!
  • If you haven’t been able to finish your mandatory training due to the pandemic, there’s no need to worry! The deadline has been extended from June 3, 2020 to December 31, 2020 for all those who were assigned their curriculum last June.
  • Your health and safety and your ability to protect Canadians’ data are particularly critical in our current context. Learn the essentials of what you need to know about protecting Canadians’ information and ensuring your workplace health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic through COVID-19: Essentials of health & safety, data protection and providing employee support.
  • A modification was made to the curriculum for employees: Information Management 101 replaces Information Management – Yours to Manage! in the curriculum for employees!

This Week's Top 5

We usually use this section to highlight our Top 5 learning recommendations, but this week, let’s make your lives easier by giving you direct links to the mandatory training curricula you need to start—or to finish—your training today!

Each curriculum is designed to make sure you have the essentials of what you need to know:

  1. Curriclum for Employees
  2. Curriculum for Managers (including Supervisors and Team Leaders) Without Signing Authority
  3. Curriculum for Managers with Financial Delegation Only
  4. Curriculum for Managers with Financial and Staffing Delegation
  5. Curriculum for Executives

Looking For More Learning?

What more is there to know about ESDC Mandatory Training? You’ve asked questions and we’ve got answers!

  1. Why are there courses offered by both the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) and ESDC in my curriculum? What’s the difference?

    The foundational knowledge you need to carry out your duties at ESDC are partly a requirement from Treasury Board Secretariat for the whole public service—offered through CSPS—and partly ESDC-specific learning.

    You have 6 months to complete learning from CSPS and one calendar year to complete your ESDC courses.

  2. Do I need to complete the courses in my curriculum following the order in which they appear?

    There is no particular order to complete your courses, other than making sure that you complete your CSPS training within 6 months and ESDC training within one calendar year from being assigned the curriculum (employees and executives) and registering for the curriculum (managers).

  3. When does completed Indigenous Awareness (IA) learning need to be entered into Saba?

    We encourage you to complete a declaration in Saba as soon as you’ve completed an IA learning activity via Saba or otherwise. It’s a simple 3-step process:

    1. Log into Saba;
    2. Open the employee curriculum;
    3. Locate the "Indigenous Awareness" declaration, open it and complete the questions.
  4. I’ve taken my CSPS training at a previous department; how can I get credit for it?

    You can email your proof of successful completion of the courses to nc-siga-saba-apprentissage-ilms-saba-learning-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca to be validated. Be sure to Cc your manager!

  5. What to do if the completed course is still showing as “in progress”?

    There are a few reasons why a course that you thought you completed may still be showing as “in progress” in your Saba account. Before contacting the Saba Help Desk nc-siga-saba-apprentissage-ilms-saba-learning-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca, try this!

    • View all pages and open all hyperlinks in the course;
    • If the course has checkmarks to confirm content has been viewed, make sure all are all marked complete, and;
    • Play the content for the full duration.

If you have tried all of the above and your course still isn’t marking as complete, contact nc-siga-saba-apprentissage-ilms-saba-learning-gd@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca.

Guess What?

  • An updated version of the Stewardship of Information and Workplace Behaviours (SIWB) is now available! This course will once again be mandatory to recomplete, so get ahead of the curve and do it now! Register for the updated Stewardship of Information and Workplace Behaviours course to refresh your knowledge on how to keep Canadians’ information safe.
  • Between March 16 and May 3, when many employees were working off-network, overall mandatory training completion rates increased by 20%!
  • The Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) has temporarily suspended all classroom courses, including Staffing: A Resourcing Tools for Managers (P901). The P901 course is one of ESDC's requirements for managers to obtain their staffing sub-delegation.

The Human Resources Services Branch will continue to provide staffing sub-delegation to managers who meet all other requirements, and agree to complete the P901 course within a specified timeframe until a new virtual course is available from CSPS (expected in the coming weeks).

  • An Accessibility Q&A on Slido will be hosted by the Employees with Disabilities Network (EwDN) on June 3 from 12:30 to 1:30pm (EDT). Learn more on the EwDN page. Registration is first come, first serve, and space is limited, so act fast!

On a Personal Note...

The College@ESDC is committed to providing you with meaningful learning options to support you during this period of change and uncertainty. Learning is a powerful tool that can rescue us from our current reality¬—if only for a short time—by connecting us virtually, triggering inspiration and reflection, and helping us to maintain and build the skills we need to keep serving Canadians.

We hope you enjoy this week’s edition and tune in again for next week’s, which will be dedicated to National AccessAbility Week. And remember, have no fear, eLearning@ESDC is here!

If you have any questions, the best way to reach the College@ESDC is to send an email to the NC-COLLEGE-GD@servicecanada.gc.ca.